Friday, August 16, 2024



Of course, as long as there is our usual Disembodied Language (DL), there is always a sense of fear and threat. However, when we finally have Embodied Language (EL), it is almost inconceivable, we have, apparently, always had such an unintelligent use of language, that had only catastrophic consequences. Our  inability or unwillingness to admit, our DL is terrible, remains one of the most important reasons we continue with it, as it still seems to us - because we act like a victim – that we have nothing to do with it. Surely, this isn’t true. We could have done something about it, a long time ago, but we never considered our DL, because fully recognizing our  lack of responsibility means, we are not – as we like to claim to be – free and we are, therefore, slaves to our habit, created by our conditioning. We prefer to pretend this is not the case and we fool ourselves.


Although it is undeniably apparent, that we act over and over again from an ineffective pattern, to which we seem to be hopelessly stuck - it is just a dumb excuse, our behavior inexplicably keeps repeating itself - we stubbornly continue to do what we have always done, even though we know perfectly well, it cannot and will not have a good result and we are not doing what should be done, to bring about real behavioral change. Moreover, not being capable or  honest enough, to admit, that we don't know what we could do, to achieve something better is not even the point. What truly matters is, we don't realize, we should stop doing something, to prevent our stupid, predictable, repetitive, senseless tragedies.  


We do something significant for 
ourselves, when we describe 
all behavior that was caused,
maintained and conceptually
inseparable from our DL. We
will have to stop all this 
behavior, in order to be 
able to have EL. In other 
words, we are unable to 
actually stop our DL, until 
we have consciously 
engaged in recognizing 
and ceasing the behavior 
associated with our DL. 
Only then will we be able, 
to stop being who we 
believed and pretended to 
be, when we recognize, 
everything we did with 
premeditation – as planned 
with our DL – was completely 
pointless and problematic. 
No behavior should escape 
our attention. Due to our DL, 
we are used to constantly 
paying attention to all kinds 
of matters that yield no good 
results at all. While we assume 
we fulfill our needs, we remain 
busy with supposedly necessary 
things in DL, we are unable 
to distinguish between real 
needs and phony needs. 
Our real need is to be able 
to use our language to 
speak correctly about our  
experiences, but this is never 
discussed with our EL.  


Becoming conscious about our urgent need for realistic, effective and enjoyable language, is also not about, as is so often said, that one, presumably, has deeper or higher needs or that one would be wasting time by remaining occupied with vulgar superficialities, as it simply comes down to the fact that we, in DL, do not listen to ourselves. In other words, there can only be clarity, certainty and continuity in our language if we, again and again, stop our DL and turn it into EL, recognizing first, that we didn't listen to ourselves and then, that we began to listen to ourselves again. Naming our own DL as DL and describing the indisputable fact that we again did not listen to ourselves, is as important as saying that two and two is four and not five.


Any refusal, to wholeheartedly admit, we were not listening to ourselves in our insensitive, automatic, coercive DL derives from DL, which makes us claim that, supposedly, it doesn't matter what happens to us during our lives, because we believe in a power that is bigger and higher than ourselves, which will miraculously ensure, everything will turn out fine. . This grandiose, spiritual, desperate, but ubiquitous madness shows, that we, as individuals, have never gotten around to ourselves and have never taken our necessary individual language serious. Because of our DL, we willingly sacrifice ourselves on the altar of culturally-sanctioned group-behavior and we forget about ourselves. We constantly look away from how we behave, because, without realizing it, we still believe, we belong to an undifferentiated unity-soup. Thus, seen from the DL-perspective, everyone, Left or Right, is in favor of globalization, open borders or that we are all in this together.


Looking away – during DL – is a matter of listening away and, involuntarily, unconsciously, staying busy with many unnecessary things. Listening away means, we do not say and, therefore, we cannot hear, which or what could do us good. As a result, we obsessively do all kinds of things against our own interest.  This all-encompassing dissociative behavior, arises from our usual way of speaking, which everyone considers as normal, in which we unconsciously produce a voice, that alienates us from ourselves. This aspect of DL has never been properly perceived or discussed by us, because we have continued to make many judgments about it, which only caused continuation of our DL.  Whether or not we listen to ourselves while we speak with ourselves or with others,  always depends on the situation in which either one or the other happens. Recognizing that situation, requires us to speak to ourselves and by listening to our voice, we then begin to perceive, whenever we are listening to ourselves and whenever we are not. Thus, with our language, we create the situation in which our DL stops and our EL can continue. In fact, it is the sound of our own speaking voice, which produces our language, that creates the situation for our EL.


In closing, here are ten jokes about sensation. 1) You know that tingly sensation you get when you like somebody? That’s common sense leaving your body. 2) I am sensational when it comes to remembering names. But every Tom, Rick and Larry knows that. 3) Do you know that mouth-watering sensation you get when you smell a steak cooking on the grill? Is that what happens to vegans when they mow the grass? 4) What do you call that weird sensation when you are suddenly teleported from the North Pole to the South Pole, or vice versa? Bi-polar Disorder. 5) My least favorite sexual position is COVID-69. The masks really take the sensation away. 6) Back in the 80’s when I was taking a EMT course, to volunteer on the local ambulance service, we were in the middle of  a class on bodily fluids and gloves and masks. During the lecture, the instructor asked us, “Do you know what the first sign of A.I.D.S is?” It being a new thing back then we really didn’t have any answers. After a few minutes he advised us that “It is a pounding sensation in your ass. 7) I know why I get so many down votes. Apparently, I am a huge sensation in Australia. 8) Having a good friend is just like peeing in your pants. Everybody can see it, but only you feel that warm sensation of happiness. 9) The teacher asked: what is sex? Johnny got up and say: sex is a temptation, cause by a sensation, where a boy stick his location, in a girl’s destination, to increase the population of the next generation. Do you get my explanation? The teacher fainted. 10) Have you heard about the Broadway-bound sensation, “The Linguists?” It’s a real play on words. Hahaha.       

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