Thursday, August 1, 2024

 Kamala’s Wrinkled Neck,


The only reason, I wrote so extensively about Joe Biden’s disgusting hairstyle and am now writing about Kamala Harris’s wrinkled neck, is to draw your attention to Embodied Language (EL). 

While all lying Left-wing media tries to get everyone to believe something different from what they can see with their own eyes and hear with their own ears, I hear a horrible-sounding person, who is having problems with aging. Her exposed neck (?) shows crepey, wrinkled, thin skin, which, if she refuses to cover it up, is bound to attract negative attention, that might cost her the chance to win the presidency. Although I am not a fan of Kamala, I feel bad for her, as her ugly, flabby-Turkey neck distracts from her pretty, but frightening white-teeth Hyena-smile.


Now that we know – thanks to the lazy, boring, race bating, Left-wing media – that Karrismatic Hamala was never the Border-Czar, we should all feel really safe about and grateful for the millions of people she and Boe Hiding have allowed to enter the country illegally and look forward to the intensive treatment she is, of course, soon going to have, to improve her in-your-face, nasty-neck condition. I am sure there are ways to reverse her dried-up skin texture and to regain some youthful plasticity.


While Kamalo Horribilitus will be facing a steep and challenging learning curve, I am pretty sure, being the ambitious and professional person she is, she will do whatever it takes, to take care of what needs to be taken care of. I am feeling very confident, that taking care of her own skin care needs is something, she will make her first priority. Healthy decisions matter. It is not what she can do for our country, but what she can do to erase her crumples and crinkles. Moreover, I am sure Blamamba Perish (she is so versatile, like a Chameleon!), will be happy to cackle and screech about her creases, folds and furrows, as this is her strength, her firmness on principles.


Promobla Hairfish is the presidential candidate, who is going to teach us about the wonders of thickening the skin and collagen production, for  most of us have never heard of this, but being the motherly figure she is, she does this on our behalf, to prepare us for the future, which is in the future – and isn’t here yet – because it will happen later. She talks up a quite a shit-storm,  faking confidence, by reading the script, which was written for her and does a much better job, than her fuddy-duddy, former, racist, old boss.


We – the people – have every right, to ask the serious question: what the hell is wrong with Crinchamabla Hubris’s neck? I mean, what the neck is going on? Perhaps, we should call it the trauma-neck, because it clearly shows her pain. However, if I don’t like the look of it, this means others see it too. As soon as she opens her trap, we hear the unadulterated, inevitable sound of Disembodied Language (DL). Yes, she demands to be listened to, but she doesn’t hear herself. I have a suggestion. Since it is so weathered and craggy, perhaps, by massaging and stretching it, the furrows can be flattened or smoothed out?


I have no influence in Washington. In my neck of the woods, people engage in EL. I still don’t believe, this baggy-suited, culturally-confused woman – who manipulatively, desperately acts, as if she is still some little girl and utterly fails at her impersonation of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – is in a neck-and-neck race with Donald Trump for the US-presidency. She may stick out her neck, but the only remedy for her lathery hide is – if her thin skin can handle it –  of course, hydration, through oils, silicones and glycerin.   


I am not an expert on dermatology, but I have a solid understanding about what gets under our skin, because of how we say it. However, I don’t prescribe any solutions to anyone’s problems, as I’m only interested in EL. You cannot have a debate with me, because debates are all DL and I don’t do DL. Nonetheless, I do claim EL is good for the skin, especially, because it isn’t false and skin-deep, like Bramabla’s Neck-Care-Coating. I have no idea what she is using, but it isn’t good.     

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