Saturday, August 17, 2024




With our usual, unconscious, unnatural way of talking, in which we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak, we never have an overview of what is actually happening in our own lives and in the lives of others. In Disembodied Language (DL) we are only guessing, pretending, believing and imitating. To be conscious, to know what is going on, to understand the reason, why things are the way they are, we must have Embodied Language (EL), which will only become possible, if we spend time, alone, by talking out loud with ourselves, about our own experiences and by listening to the sound of our voice while we speak. Thus, by becoming our own listener, we stop our DL and begin to tell ourselves, why we have behaved as we did and why we in EL, behave as we do. The irrefutable fact, that we didn’t listen to ourselves in DL, shows, once we begin to talk with ourselves and listen to ourselves, everything starts becoming clear.


Each of us is faced with many questions, about decisions we make, to do this or to do that. Our choices always have consequences. Both, what we do, but also what we don’t do, determines how we live our lives. If we manage, to behave in such a way, that the outcomes of our actions make us successful, happy and satisfied, we have behaved responsibly, but if what we did or didn’t do, resulted into failure, chaos, conflict and despair, we behaved irresponsibly. Our responsibility is a matter of using language as a feed-back mechanism, to let ourselves know how we are doing. Surely, in  DL, our habitual way of dealing with language, in which we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak, we are irresponsible and we only grow up, so to speak, we only mature, we are only capable of acknowledging, the extent to which what we experience, is the result of our own doing, if we take time to speak with ourselves, in order to be able to listen to our own voice, so that we can instruct ourselves with our ongoing EL.


Once we have deciphered, the great difference between our DL and EL, we realize, we have been busy – in DL – with many questions and answers, which weren’t ours, which we have acquired, due to our history of conditioning. We were all taught, to listen to others, to authority outside of ourselves. In DL, listening means, we are listening to others, or we try to get them to listen to us, but we never listen to ourselves. Although in DL, everyone claims to be in charge of their own lives, we cannot be in charge, as long as our language works against us, because we never speak with ourselves, in order to be able to hear what we’ve got to say to ourselves. Only when our DL has been stopped, because we have begun to talk with ourselves and listen to ourselves and engage in EL, can and will we be able to formulate our own questions and our own answers, about who we are, as individuals, and how we want to live our lives.


It is astonishing, that this essential analysis of our language, is only presented by me, but not by any psychologists, psychiatrists, linguists, lawyers, scientists, teachers, physicians, news anchors, pundits, politicians and religious leaders. This clearly shows, that everyone in authority is, unknowingly, engaging in DL and that our notion of so-called self-knowledge is completely flawed. Naturally, we will only know who we really are, when we stop fantasizing and making things up, as we have done for ages with our DL. Moreover, our motivation, to stop our own DL and to engage in ongoing EL, can only come from reading a text like this or from listening to my You Tube channels 1) Maximus Peperkamp or 2) maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw. If one verifies what I have written and have been saying on my videos, only one conclusion possible: if one can have EL by one-self, alone, with one-self, it is possible and necessary, to have EL with others, who, like us, also stopped their DL and discovered their EL. We are faced with the challenge, to engage in EL, a new form of communication, in which each speaker listens to him or herself while he or she speaks. EL is effortless and energizing and restores our sanity, which was lost, due to our tragic involvement in DL.

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