Thursday, August 1, 2024



What have you got to say? Are you saying it to others or are you saying it to yourself? Saying it to yourself allows you to actually hear yourself and engage in Embodied Language (EL), but saying it to others, is more of the same stupid, unconscious, outdated Disembodied Language (DL).


What do you gain, by talking – again – in the unintelligent way, you always do? If you don’t listen to yourself, while you speak, you miss out on the wonderful effect of your voice, on your brain. Nothing can stimulate your brain better than your own voice. Unless you become aware about this exquisite effect, your brains aren’t working properly. You are underperforming, as long as you don’t hear the sound of your voice.


What was all your DL supposed to mean? You have made it seem, as if it meant something, but it was utterly meaningless. In your DL, you constantly produce the sound of your negative emotions. During DL, you always produce the sound of your stress, anxiety, anger, conflicts, dissatisfaction and confusion and your brain doesn’t like that vibration. Your brain can only function optimally, if you express the sound of positive emotions. You only produce EL, if you express your wellbeing, relaxation, playfulness and liveliness. In DL, you speak with a horrible sound, which signifies, that you are brain-dead.


What can you do, to have EL instead of DL? It is really not difficult. Just listen to yourself while you speak and you will immediately hear the difference between your DL and your EL. In EL, you listen to yourself, while you speak, but in DL, don’t listen to yourself while you speak. If it seems that you cannot hear the difference, just know, that you are engaging in DL, because in EL, you always know, you are engaging in EL.


Although I have spoken and written so often about this, I never get tired of saying or writing it again. My EL is always new. I speak and write about it very differently today. What I say is not the most important, and, yet, it becomes more important, due to how I say it. In my writing, a very different process takes place, than in my speaking. Surely, my writing is always about my speaking. If I didn’t write about my speaking, I would be writing instead of speaking. With DL, most people are writing instead of speaking. It is also a tendency, which is exploited and enhanced by our modern technology, to move away from our speaking and listening and to only remain busy with ‘information’ about what we are saying. Sadly, it is common, in our current times, that our own experience of what we are saying is continuously diminished.   


What you will do, depends on what you will say and what you will say, depends on how you will say it. During EL, you can say things, which you are unable to say in DL. Once you have come to know the great difference between your DL and your EL, the challenge will be, to keep having EL – to go against your conditioning history with DL – and to say what you are only able to say, when you listen to yourself while you speak. It is such an exhilarating adventure to explore your own EL.


What is the problem, you haven’t even looked into, because you didn’t listen to yourself? It is your way of talking, in which what you say takes you away from your own experience. You can’t be in touch with your experience in DL, because you don’t listen to yourself while speak. You can only be in touch with yourself and be authentic, if you go against your conditioning and listen to yourself, while you speak. Yes, according to your conditioning with DL, you are not allowed to be yourself and acquire your own language. This is something completely different, than what we do in DL. During DL, we always demand others listen to us, but we don’t listen to ourselves.


The suspicious, standoffish question, what it is like, to have EL, only arises to those, who refuse to listen to themselves while they speak. If you do the necessary experiment, you will find that the proof is in the pudding. Only if you do the experiment and begin to seriously speak with yourself and listen to yourself, to what you are able to say to yourself, will you be able to get what this writing is about. What you say, makes sense to you, because of how you say it, but if what you say doesn’t make any sense, you can stop saying it in the way, you are used to saying it. Yes, you can say what you say in a different way. You’ve said it so carelessly, but when you listen to yourself, you will be able to say it, with your full attention and a different tone.


What you should listen to, on my two You Tube channels (maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw and Maximus Peperkamp) is the sound of my voice. I produce an entirely different sound, while I speak, than everyone with energy-draining DL. What you say, when you say, that you think this or that, has absolutely nothing at all to do with expressing any language, that was inside of you. In EL, you simply say what you are capable of saying, but in DL, you cannot say what you want to say and are perfectly capable of saying, and, consequently, you believe in unexpressed, inner, private, mental language. What do you mean when you say, I think? The fact is you are merely saying something. There is no thought.


What a joy it is, to talk with someone, who, like me, doesn’t believe in a mind. Your talk, with DL, about the freedom, to be who you are, was superficial. What you don’t understand, is that understanding is only a matter of talking and listening and writing and reading about talking and listening. What else can it be? What were you presumably thinking? You were only fantasizing about internal language.  

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