Monday, August 5, 2024

 No Ego,


Although I can be very polite, I have absolutely no tolerance for anyone, who still has Disembodied Language (DL). To me, the link between politics and Embodied Language (EL) and DL, is of utmost importance, particularly, the irrefutable fact, that Left-wing politics maps onto DL, while Right-wing politics maps on EL. While I know that people are ignorant about the DL/EL distinction, they do already know about the Left-wing/Right-wing distinction. I make use of that.


EL and individual freedom go hand in hand. Those who cannot wholeheartedly admit and say that, are not only hopelessly stuck in DL, but also refuse to be honest about their destructive, oppressive, Communist, Marxist, Socialist, Fascist, Anti-Semitic, Cancel-Culture, Gender-Ideology, Identity-Politics, Diversity-Equity-Inclusion (DEI) group-behavior, which, of course, is Left-wing.


In DL, we act as if nothing is personal, because we view taking it personal, as something that’s wrong, but in EL, everything is personal, because it is the truth of our own experience. This is why only in DL people say to each other: don’t take it personal! In EL, there is no difference between our politics and who we are, but in DL, people pretend, as if politics doesn’t have any connection with who we are and who others are, as individuals. This is why, in the name of their belief, historically, people have killed, without any remorse, millions of their fellow men. Moreover, they are still doing the same thing today. Yes, I claim it was always in the name of their DL.


I have basically broken off all contact with anyone who wants to continue with their DL. For instance, I don’t talk anymore with anyone of my family, as it became clear to me, that, apparently, it is perfectly okay for them, to expect me to behave in the way that they want me to behave, but nobody seems to even want to consider behaving in the way I want them to behave, towards me. It took me a very long time, to get clear on this. Although I always have felt rejected by my family, I didn’t want to reject them, but I had to, to be able to continue with my own EL.


We still don’t know anything about the difference between our DL and EL and that is why DL goes on everywhere, all the time, while EL is nowhere to be found. We don’t realize, we constantly engage in DL. This is why in, supposedly, polite conversation, we consider religion and politics, as forbidden topics. We further justify our, presumably, rational stance, by being the bigger, supposedly, wiser person, who, supposedly, accepts reality as it is, by distracting from the topic, with some phony, holier-then-thou bullshit, that we cannot expect to be reasonable about things, which were never acquired by reason.


In DL, people were taught and keep telling others, how to be a wonderful, magnanimous, person, who realizes, that he or she is not willing to be entangled with someone else, in one way or another. Also, it is presumably very important, to always recognize, that one isn’t always right and, therefore, one needs to give an apology, as much as receive one from others. As they say, it is better to set aside one’s ego and take a few minutes to apologize, than to have years of arguments and conflicts. This shows how we beat around the bush and never acquire EL, in which, surprisingly, we find out, we are always right. EL has nothing to do with false concepts, like ego or making or accepting apologies. DL contains our irrational beliefs, which inevitably were acquired while we grew up. Reason plays no part in DL. Only if we listen to ourselves, while we speak and explore our EL, do we become reasonable.          


I am convinced, politics plays an important role, in the fact that everywhere around the world - not just in America – we have DL, not EL. I cannot escape the impression, that although DL is at the basis of every culture, the opposite is also possible. Actually, I am convinced this is where the future lies for EL. And, it seems to me, EL will ultimately determine politics, because EL is the language of the future, not DL.  


I'm not imagining anything, because I know all too well what the current state of affairs is. It is as clear as day to me, Left-wing politics fits with our DL, but Right-wing politics fits with our EL. Anyone who is interested in EL, has to be able to acknowledge this, but those with unconscious DL, will behave according to their history of conditioning and never fundamentally change their old, troublesome point of view.


I am happy to say, I have given up trying, to make it clear to others, that they have DL, as they will have to do this themselves. I am only interested in the progress of EL. If I notice others aren’t getting it, I withdraw from the one-way street interaction. It is impossible to have EL and adhere to policies which go against individual freedom. Likewise, it is also impossible to have EL, if one still lives in the illusion of being a Jew, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, atheist, or someone, who believes to be important, because of meditation, consciousness, sensitivity, creativity, education, weapons, science or economics. Who we believe to be is always tied to our DL. I don’t believe I have EL, because I have it and that is my Language Enlightenment (LE). EL has nothing to do with faith.


I have nothing to say and therefore I can say what I really want to say. I always start with nothing and speak and write only from there. Left-wing politics is the biggest obstacle to individuality and to EL and anyone who has listened to themselves, should be able to fully admit, that this is unquestionably true. Only capitalism – no other worldview – has really  enriched humanity and has resulted in individuals being given rights in Democratic Western societies. However, all the enemies of capitalism are and have always been, against the freedom of the individual.


DL is the history of mankind, in which our group behavior has repeatedly, violently, suppressed and obliterated our individual behavior. It is an indisputable fact our EL could only have emerged from prosperity created by capitalism. I am a product of the free society, where I happen to have grown up and realize, others weren’t as fortunate as me. I foresee the possibility, that with our EL we will create a different, peaceful, orderly society, based on our prosperity and well-being.


My view is realistic. Everything we have created and maintained with DL will disappear and be replaced by something better, which fits with EL. Only the behavior that matches EL will remain, which means our lives will be simpler and much more satisfying. Right now, everyone experiences how everything only becomes more difficult and complicated. This is the inevitable consequence of our unconscious participation in and approval of DL. There is great pretense about simplicity and being at ease in DL, but these empty slogans have no support in reality. With DL, we are told something, which is not true, but we believe it, because others believe it too. This is our historical group-behavior, which, to this day, perpetuates the progression of our unnatural DL, but this finally comes to an end with our natural, ongoing EL.



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