Sunday, October 29, 2023




There’s a lot of talking going on these days about the issue of moral clarity. Presumably, one must have a certain set of beliefs, about what is good or what is bad, to be able to make the right choice between the good and the bad. However, this useless discussion, which has been going on forever, has never allowed us to differentiate between our Disembodied Language (DL) and our Embodied Language (EL). Indeed, our moral clarity is missing, because we don’t acknowledge this big difference, which would make us want to stop our DL, so that we can have EL. Our autonomic nervous system, doesn’t choose our body’s reaction to anything, which threatens us. Thus, there is no such thing as a choice, to be made, but it is urgently needed, we listen to our voice, while we speak, so we can embody our language and engage in EL instead of DL.


Moral clarity is as simple as I have just described. All the philosophizing and posturing about what is, supposedly, good or bad, derives from our DL and will be completely dissolved, once we finally are able to have EL. This knowledge is needed more  than ever, but nobody is interested, as everyone, supposedly, already knows everything there is to know about morality. As someone, who knows how to continue his EL, I say, on my own authority, that what we claim to know about morality, is based on our DL. To me, it makes no sense, to make any claims about the presumed moral superiority of EL.


I am not part of any debate about the good and the bad, because all of these so-called dialogues are, in fact, monologues about our beliefs. I don’t have any beliefs, as neither DL nor EL is a belief, but a reality of which I am keenly aware. My knowledge about the difference between DL and EL has nothing to do with certainty. I enter or exit my house through the door and unless I am drunk, I can’t find my way out.


We are contaminated, confined, confused and conflicted, due to how we use our language. We commonly, unknowingly, mechanically engage in DL. Only rarely and very briefly, do we engage in EL, but, always unconsciously. Even if we have a moment of conscious experience of the immense difference between our DL and our EL, we flinch, because it is so overwhelming. However, we can never deny, we have had this experience and all our efforts to stick our heads back in the sand trouble and harm us.


I recently heard someone say: since it is a matter of survival,  there needs to be absolute clarity about the definition of security. In my view, there exists only our clarity or the falsehood of what we believe to be true. The difference between these two, just like the difference between DL and EL, is absolute. Our insane insistence on absolute clarity signifies, we are – because of our pretentious DL – in denial about the difference between life and death.


Being able to see clearly is a powerful metaphor for clarity. Presumably, seeing is believing. However, we over-emphasize what we see over what we can hear and, consequently, we ignore the clarity, which only can come, if we listen and, perhaps, even close our eyes, so that we can bring more attention to what we hear. DL maintains our automatic preference for seeing over hearing and, as a result, we erroneously believe, what is written can actually change what is being said. Our books are useless, when it comes to interaction, as listening is our biggest problem.


Our clarity can – and absolutely will – only come from our ongoing EL, because only when we listen to ourselves, while we speak, do we begin to speak with a tone of voice, which evokes our own listening as well as the listening of others. Our insistent focus on what can and must be seen, is tiring and after we walk, for while through a museum, with the world’s most famous paintings, we feel exhausted from just looking. Likewise, we are, unconsciously, worn out, distracted and imprisoned by and obsessed with written language.


We have read, numerous times – and, therefore, we believe – that our emotions are clouding our clarity. However, this is complete hogwash. This common down-playing of the importance of our emotion, is a typical feature of our DL, in which we are unable to speak, with clarity, about our emotions. It is our arduous belief in an inner, subjective world, which, presumably, is separate from the objective, outer world, which prevents us from having any clarity.  


All our so-called self-reflection or meditation, on the issue of clarity, is downright useless and ineffective, as it is based on a false premise, perpetuated by our DL, that we can be in the grip of and carried away by our intense – inner – emotions, which are said to make us experience the – external – world, as we feel, rather than how it really is. There’s this famous song, by Johnny Nash, which goes like this: I can see clearly now, the rain is gone. I can see all obstacles in my way. Gone are the dark clouds that had made me blind. It’s gonna be a bright, bright, sun-shiny day. However, when we hear – in EL – with clarity, we are free and there are no obstacles in our way. Our negative emotions aren’t in our way, because they really help us, to stay on our path of wellbeing.


A person’s lack of clarity is believed to indicate his or her lack of understanding or confusion about something. Note, that we are referring here to this elusive cognitive quality inside of us, but not to the way of talking, which sets the stage for how we deal with our language. If we did that, it would be instantly apparent, the misunderstanding and confusion is caused by our DL and evaporates when we have EL.


I want to end today’s writing about clarity, by stating that unclear instructions – we give to ourselves and to each other – are the inevitable result of DL and of not being in touch with ourselves. Presumably, we can become conscious of ourselves, of our emotions and our thoughts, by watching our so-called mind, but the reality is, that we remain trapped by our DL. Only if we talk out loud about what we, supposedly, feel or think, can we experience, immediately, the  release of having switched from DL to EL. Moreover, as we continue with EL, we express and, therefore, realize our Language Enlightenment (LE), which is the joyful clarity about how we can use our language to our own benefit.         

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