Wednesday, October 4, 2023




Everyone, who experiments with what I am saying, will come to the exact same conclusions as I did. If you really listen – to the sound of your own voice – while you speak, you notice, you will either have  Disembodied Language (DL) or Embodied Language (EL). Yes, there are absolutes, you either engage in one or the other and it is entirely up to you, to figure out which is which. Moreover, you too will want to stop your dreadful DL and continue with your happy EL, because your EL truly is the gift that keeps on giving. Surely, going against your own conditioning history with DL is worth the trouble, as your EL makes you experience, enjoy and know your Language Enlightenment (LE). Yes, you say it, as it is.


What you will be able to say to yourself with your EL is totally different from what you have been saying with your DL. For instance, you will say, as I have done and continue to do: my thinking and my mind simply don’t exist. You don’t say this, because you repeat me and agree with me, but because you can actually experience and acknowledge this, while you say it. Like anyone, who engages in EL, you will hear yourself say, there never was such a thing as an inner self, which was causing my behavior. All of this nonsense was part of DL, the inevitable, common, mechanical way of dealing with language, in which  speakers don’t listen to their voice, as they speak.  


You will not pray, but you will say, you have always been enlightened, but you just didn’t have the EL to express it. Certainly, you were having DL, almost all the time and this cruel, unconscious, forceful way of dealing with language – which set the stage for how you have lived your life – needed to be stopped, by you. The only way to stop your DL, is to say out loud to yourself – to repeatedly let yourself know, to give your yourself permission, verbally – you are able to stop it, as you have come to know something better: your own EL. You will feel ecstatic, while you say it. 


Your EL makes you abandon everything you believed to be with your DL, because you say it to yourself. It was merely the way you used to talk, that made you  say – from childhood – what everyone else says and have blind faith in the fantasies, which are repeated by everyone, everywhere. What we say with DL, is false and, consequently, it is causing us nothing but trouble. To say, you have finally stopped with DL, is a great relief. Moreover, you want to say it again and again, because each time you do this, you use your intelligence, to dismantle your conditioning history with DL. It is such a marvelous process and pure delight, to share your EL with those who know it.


Millions of people have fanatically believed, in what others have said – in the DL, others coerced them to have – but they have never believed, they could not believe, in themselves, because they have never deliberately, repeatedly spoken with and listened to  themselves. In some foolish book, that I was raised with – all religious books, are superstitious, stupid, irresponsible books – it says (john 14: 12-31): verily, verily, I say onto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my father.


The aforementioned statement, from the bible, is a good illustration of what is wrong, not only with christianity (yes, I write in small letters), but with every religion. You don’t need to believe what I say and you don’t need to do what I do. It is not about what I say onto you, but about what you say to yourself. EL, it is about being your own authority. The father-figure has historically always represented the authority. My abusive father used to angrily yell at me: in my house, you will do as I say, because he imagined, he was ordained by his authoritarian god. If you will do as I say, you will talk with yourself and discover EL and find nothing is what you believed it to be. Thought or mind doesn’t exist, it is a figure of speech. We may say, verily, verily, but that doesn’t make it so. There is no inner self and unless you say this repeatedly to yourself, you will still believe in it.


In EL, you will like what you say, particularly, how you say it. What you say, makes more sense because of how you say it. You will say, you like your sound, because it expresses your wellbeing better than your words. With DL, you get carried away by what you say and you forget about how you sound. You don’t even realize, you sound terrible. Of course, you don’t like to listen to this alienating sound, you make every day, but one day, you will just say it: you don’t like the way you sound while you speak. That will be the day, you will have your say with your EL.


I say, every day: my language guides my way. It was only recently, that I realized how important it is, to talk about my LE. To say it, is such a tremendous joy,  because I don’t say it to you, but to myself. Yes, you can read this and you can begin to experiment with listening to yourself, while you speak with yourself.  This is not some teaching, some philosophy, some lecture, some self-help or some entertainment. You either hear what you say or you don’t. It is black or white and it is very clear, if you listen to yourself or not. The fact that you haven’t noticed it, is because you can’t say the difference between DL and EL with DL. You need EL to address your DL and your DL has to stop, before you can talk with EL about your DL.                        

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