Tuesday, October 31, 2023




Today is the last day of October and the ending of a dreadful process, which has prevented happy things from happening. Although you may not realize this, your Disembodied Language (DL) has been officially put to rest, by me. The only way forward, for you, is with your own Embodied Language (EL). However, your unwillingness, to find out about EL, is your loss, because each of us can only benefit from our own EL. I can show you my EL and I am benefitted from it, but my sharing only matters, if you start to have your own EL. You don’t respond to my writing and you don’t contact me, because you want me or someone else to do, what you must do for yourself.


You want a silly story with a happy ending, because you tend to hang on to the illusion, that everything is going to be alright. However, nothing is going to be alright, as long as your DL continues. Things only will begin to improve, once you start to have some EL. And, even when you had some EL, you would still hesitate to end your DL, as you have been used to it your entire life. Ending your DL, implies a total transformation, from which you quickly shy away, because you have to create a whole new way of life.


Today, I was having my lunch, near a beautiful lake. I sat there, looking out, over the quiet water and was listening to the sound of birds. Suddenly, I heard the loud sound of a heavy motor-cycle, right behind me. I hoped the person, who arrived, would turn off his engine, but the noise continued. Next thing I know, a guy, dressed in black leather, wearing a German helmet, briskly walks up to me and hands me this little colorful card, which says: Jezus loves you. The moment I see what is on the card, I tell him to take it back and that I don’t want it. I asked him: why don’t you live your own life? He walked away saying: because I didn’t create my own life. Presumably, his life was created by god. Apparently, he wasn’t too sure about that belief, as he tried to convert me. I said to him, while he was sticking some of his cards between the bathroom door: you just don’t want to be responsible for creating your own life. He drove off fast, with an angry roaring sound, then, it was quiet again. I liked the ending of this little episode.  


In DL, misery follows you in a never-ending pursuit. I didn’t make it so, that DL has its inevitable negative consequences. Your ignorance about this fact makes you repeat your problems and keeps you hopelessly stuck. Language is the only way out, but, of course, not your usual, unconscious, insensitive DL. Your DL has to stop and only you can stop it, but since you don’t know, you can’t stop it, you believe you have to keep going with it. When you stop your own DL, you will know, you have made the ending of your DL possible.


There is a beginning and an ending to your DL, but with your EL, there is only a beginning. In effect, EL is always new. When you worry, that your world will be ending, you are absolutely right, it will come to an end, as your DL will end. Although your DL can come to an end and although you can have some EL, DL will certainly begin again, because you were conditioned to have DL, not EL. If you want to have EL, you have to acknowledge, every time your DL is ending and beginning again, only then EL happens.


When your DL is ending, you will stop defending, pretending, offending, spending or condescending.  I am strongly recommending the ending of your lack of attending. In DL, while you keep depending, you are descending into a quagmire trouble, but in EL, you are comprehending and ascending, to a higher level of befriending. With EL, you are amending, but in DL, you are overextending. I didn’t make this up.


At some point, all behavior is ending and nothing of what we were so upset, worried, stressed, fearful, angry or confused about, matters anymore. We can experience this stillness, this death, while we speak and have ongoing EL. The continuation of our EL, is our Language Enlightenment (LE), which makes us  die and let go of our language, while we are alive. The peace of LE is unimaginable, as it is real. Our LE is the ending of our suffering and it is a great joy, to continuously explore and express this with our EL.


As we, knowingly, skillfully and deliberately express our LE with our ongoing EL, our inferiority complex is ending, as it is no longer maintained by our DL. It is unknown to those, who don’t know yet about the great difference between DL and EL, that everyone with DL has feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness, which are, however, not caused by parenting styles, trauma, abuse, social pressure or lower status, but by how we mechanically use our language. Our DL will not be ending, because we want it to end, but because acknowledge it for what it really is, because we listen to ourselves and we hear the sound of our own voice.    

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