Thursday, October 12, 2023




The most important reason, it is such a great joy for me to engage in Embodied Language (EL), is I no longer feel bothered by the Disembodied Language (DL), everyone else is involved in. And, yes, it is one thing, to engage in DL yourself, but quite another, to be constantly bothered by the DL of others. Looking back, I have been bothered by the DL of others for most of my life, but luckily, recently this changed.  


Initially, when you first discover your EL, which, so to speak, is a great step forward, you also become incredibly sensitive to the DL of others, which, you could say, is three steps backward. Before finding your own EL, you were unconscious and in denial about the many immediate negative effects of your own DL, although you may have been making a lot fuzz about the DL of others. Therefore, when the stark contrast between your own EL and your DL, inevitably presents itself, it can be overwhelming.


With EL, you begin to feel the joy and the strength of being with yourself and this definitely involves a process of recovery from your drama of weakness. It is hilarious, to find out that you have believed in all these absurd verbal constructs, which once you express them with you EL, simply disappear without leaving any trace. You may have believed in god or in some sort of so-called higher power, but when you talk with yourself, you realize, it was all nothing but your own imagination. Most certainly, you have also tried to believe in your inner, true self, which, supposedly, was causing your behavior, but within seconds of just talking with yourself and listening to the sound of your own voice, you will realize there absolutely cannot exist such an entity. Moreover, in EL all your verbally cultivated nonsense evaporates, because you express Language Enlightenment (LE) .


What is perceived as strength in DL, is considered a weakness in EL. It is pure weakness, which prevents you from feeling and expressing your own emotions. In DL, you are defending against your own emotions and this makes you do all sort of hateful, stupid and, at best, ridiculous things. Furthermore, if you can’t even express your own joy, it is always because you are stuck on your negative emotions. You are a total coward, who is merely pretending not to have these negative feelings, which take their toll on you. When you take your first steps into EL, you no longer deny all of this. Actually, to finally cry, will be a great joy.  


Relief and joy will be beyond description, when you come into your own language. It is not what you say, but how you say it, which makes you cry tears of joy. Moreover, your joy is never overwhelming, because by stopping your DL, you have prepared yourself for it, with your EL. Speaking out loud with yourself, by yourself, about your troubled emotions, is soothing and comforting. This is what everyone needs, not only those, who can’t hide their struggles anymore, who, supposedly, have mental health issues. There will be a complete overhaul of psychiatry, which, as it is, is only getting people deeper entrenched in DL.


Parenting and education with EL implies that we will be learning with joy. Sadly, we were all raised and taught with coercive DL, to only have DL, as there was no one, like me, who knew the difference between miserable DL and joyful EL. People have tried to address this difference, but they always failed, as they never detected it, by listening to themselves, while they speak. It is our speaking and listening, which sets the stage for all our other behaviors, including how we deal with our language, which has nothing to do with what we have called thinking.


Once you express with your EL, what you, during DL, refer to as thinking, you find it signifies something you had not previously expressed, but were always able to express. Simply stated, DL creates the false notion, that certain things cannot or should not be talked about. This is what you call your mind. It is what you wanted to express, but couldn’t express, because DL wouldn’t let you. Therefore, once you say to yourself, in EL, what is, presumably, on your mind, you experience sheer joy, as this problematic verbal construct is, at long last, properly addressed and, consequently, dissolved. Thus, your ongoing EL always, immediately, effortlessly articulates your LE.


We seem to have no problem acknowledging, that a child can laugh with joy, but this innocence seems not applicable to adults. When we sensitively speak with a child, we take part in this delight. Of course, a child is still not as entrenched in and imprisoned by DL, as we are, as it is still alive and full of energy. We love seeing and hearing a joyful child. However, as soon as it goes to school, where it will learn to read and write, this joy disappears, as it isn’t expressed by our DL. When we embrace our EL, we go back into this magnificent, unburdened, pre-verbal state.


I never say, my heart is singing with joy, because it is who I really am with – my EL – that is, it is always my LE, which sings. I have no need for soppy, poetic, spiritual metaphors, as my truth is my joy and my truth is verbal. I don’t care for only just one miserly moment of joy, as my EL makes me live a joyful life. This is what all the miserable people with DL try to do. They try to have and hang onto one moment of joy, while, in fact, their whole life remains a mess. I remember, when I first began to have EL or when I heard others have EL, I was always weeping, as I was feeling so moved. Your joy makes you do that too, if you have the guts, to talk with yourself and listen.           

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