Thursday, October 5, 2023




In my writings, I take the reader with me, in my translation from my Disembodied Language (DL) to my Embodied Language (EL), but also from Dutch language to my English language and vice versa. I first wrote this piece in Dutch and then translated it. I come up with a completely different form of EL in Dutch than in English. You might say, that I am nicer or more emotional in my native Dutch tongue and in English, I am stricter and more rational. As soon as I start speaking or writing, I immediately notice the big difference. Sometimes I prefer my English and at other times, like right now, I chat in Dutch. I don't know what the English word for comfortably talking about this and that is. To my knowledge, the English language isn’t as rich as the Dutch language.


Chitchatting or shooting the breeze (these English expressions are as close as it gets), means, having a nice talk, but also talking about unimportant things. I've never been good at small talk or talking about trivial things. I never had any satisfaction by having a superficial conversation. You may wonder: what is in a name? Well, my name is Maximus, which means the biggest. I like having the big conversation about my Language Enlightenment (LE). It seems, I have finally resigned myself, of course with my EL - I am now almost 65 years old - to the fact, that I no longer need or try to participate in meaningless DL.


I can have EL in English as well as in Dutch and my bilingualism has led to the truth, which I call my LE.  When I still lived in the Netherlands, I once wrote a poem, which initially was very satisfying. However, since I speak English with my Chinese-American wife - who also learned to speak Dutch - I couldn't resist translating my poem into English. Suddenly it sounded much better, much more meaningful and since then, I began to write all my poems in English.


Those old poems were intense verbal paintings, that were sort of a blueprint of who I am. They foretold my future. I can say and write with great pleasure and pride, that I have started living in the future of my own poetry. I wrote those poems at a difficult stage in my life, when I still didn't yet know, that I would really continue with my EL, because I seemed to get constantly get stuck again with my DL. Yet my DL is hardly the case anymore and I am amazed that my EL has come to determine everything in my life.


I really enjoy speaking and writing about my LE in my Dutch language. Since I have lived in the United States since 1999 and have never been back, I have usually spoken about my LE in English, but recently it became clear, it is necessary for me to express myself about my LE in Dutch. My LE would have remained incomplete without talking about it in Dutch. Thus, writing this Dutch EL completes my LE.


I fully understand, everyone is probably thinking: what the hell is he talking about? One may say, one thinks that, but the reality is, one only says that one thinks. What takes place, as you read this, from your conditioning with DL, is that, even though you don’t say anything, you pretend to think something of it. With DL, you always merely fantasize and imagine things. And it is always supposedly true, whatever you believe or supposedly think, even if it is clear, you don't say anything at all. Oh, yes, you don't give yourself away, so to speak. You really believe, you  have an inner private conversation with yourself and that you can keep your words inside of you.  


For god's sake, when you say, that you think, you always only say something. I am speaking from my own authority. And, you don't have to compare my statements with god or anyone else to understand me. I don't believe in a higher power and I am sure  you would do yourself a great favor, if you explored the possibility and challenge that language is always about you, not about some story, that was forced on you. I have no stories for you. For me, you are the only story that interests me. I am - because of my EL - more interested in you, than you are in yourself.


My Dutch language finally calmed down. Previously my it was very troubled, but I let myself know with my EL that my past could be left alone. It is so nice to say that and then to experience a burden is being lifted from you. To continue with your EL, there is no other option than to distance yourself from your history, from your memory, from your conditioning. Of course, this is as true for you, as it is for me and you can find out, if it is true, by talking to yourself.


You can only liberate yourself from your DL past by talking out loud, with your EL, with yourself and by recognizing, there is really only going on what you can tell yourself. No matter how you look at it, it is always your language that describes your world. If you, with EL, give a new description, everything changes suddenly and without any effort. This is not a belief, but a linguistic fact, which you have not yet investigated and appreciated. Now you still create your miserable reality, unconsciously, with your DL, but when you listen to what you say to yourself, you consciously start to create your own happy reality with your EL.


It is such a beautiful phenomenon, to have your own language, to create and continue your reality with your own language and to live, in your own truth. You don't make this up, you either do it or you don't do it. I know, you haven't done it yet, otherwise we would have talked. If you read this, you know, you miss out on your EL. I am not writing, to convince you, but because I have EL. I sleep peacefully with my EL every night and I wake up refreshed to new EL each morning. Such is my life and speaking and writing about my LE is my greatest pleasure.


I always encourage everyone with my EL to do what I have done. Reading my text can become even more powerful, if you read it out loud and listen to the sound of your voice. Even if you don't do it, it is an opportunity that is still waiting for you. EL, like me, is always open to you. As soon as you have taken that first step, with your EL, you are immediately enlightened. You don't have to go through many things first to realize your LE with your EL, because it happens effortlessly and all at once. You are perplexed that this is the case and that it is over for good, with your belief in thinking. If you're going to have EL, you say it, you write it, you hear it and you read it, as LE dissolves your crazy belief in thinking.

P.S. Please also check out my You Tube channel, where I sing my ukulele-songs about Disembodied Language (DL), Embodied Language (EL) and Language Enlightenment (LE). Type my name Maximus Peperkamp and you will find me. I hope you have a wonderful day.  

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