Friday, April 28, 2023




Why are people involved in social/political activism, but not into themselves? The greater, the so-called important, the punitively moral or fanatic, idealistic the goal – to which they are willing to devote their entire lives – the more they avoid paying attention to their own personal misery. If my words can make something crystal clear to you, they can also lead you astray and if my writing, would be boring and stupid to you, it could also be funny and interesting.


While I do, occasionally, watch or read the news, am open to different sources and perspectives and, so to speak, know what is going on, I have no urge to get involved with any of it. I rather create my own narrative and have no problem staying with that, as I find my own verbalizations – about my joyful and successful life – to be much more important, than those from anyone, who demands my attention. I don’t demand your attention, that is why I can write every day, to myself, on this blog. It is up to you, to read, understand and appreciate it or to reject it.  


I am amazed by the many positive consequences of what I keep verbally producing. You could do it too, but you don’t. My language is alive and always new, but you always repeat yourself and, of course, this is why your life is so depressing and meaningless. To me, what isn’t funny is funny, as I am clear about what isn’t clear to you and most people. How could  I live with myself, when everyone runs away from me? I don’t do anything to frighten anyone, but you fear me, as I see through your verbal smoke-screen, because I can hear your pretentious lies. I keep you out of my life, so that you can deal with yourself.


My language is plain and simple and I like it that way. Moreover, this is exactly how I get to say what I want to and express, in my own way, what matters to me. As you might have noticed, what matters to you, doesn’t matter to me at all, but – perhaps you can finally begin to get a sense – what matters to me, matters a great deal to you, although you don’t admit it. I don’t care, you don’t confirm what I say, as I validate myself. I will keep saying what only I can say, as I experience immediate as well as long-term positive results by doing this. I am well-aware, that in DL, you have a great judgment against your need for instant gratification. Of course, you too would like to feel good – immediately – about your own language. If it’s not happening right away, when is it ever going to happen? It never happens. You keep endlessly postponing, as you don’t realize, that your language doesn’t work for you, but against you.


Forget about your mind and stop talking about your own or someone else’s thoughts, because they just don’t exist. Say what only you can say and write what only you can write and realize, once and for all, that language is always overt, visible or audible, but never covert, in imaginary, inner, private speech. There have been so many, presumably, meditative people, who spoke about this crazy-making concept of witnessing yourself. The East has never met the West. Meditation, is an Eastern, collectivistic idea, which never gets to the real, individualistic, Western deal, which is: to say what you really want to say and what only you can say, to yourself as well as to others. The so-called Buddhistic person can never go let go of language – which is falsely construed as the mind – as they have never spoken aloud, alone, with the sole purpose, to listen to themselves.


Even if a person would speak with him or herself, he or she would never do this with enough attention, care and sensitivity, to become quiet and peaceful, by being verbal. To the contrary, the whole notion of someone talking aloud, alone with him or herself, is considered a symptom of psychosis, whereas it is, of course, the key to our verbal mental health. Since no psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, priest, guru, politician, teacher or parent knows about the great difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and Embodied Language (EL), there is nobody – except me – who consistently, coherently and lovingly addresses our need to calmly talk with ourselves.


Every spiritual path is against our language, as no method or practice involves speaking with ourselves and listening to ourselves while we speak. Surely, EL is not some technique, as it is natural. You will let go of the verbal only, if you have recognized your own DL and, therefore, stopped it. EL is only possible, if you are willing to listen to the confusion, fear, hate, sadness, frustration, senselessness, hopelessness, distrust and unworthiness of your DL. The practice of meditatively witnessing your fabricated thoughts, is absolutely deleterious, as it never requires any of your verbal involvement. In effect, you are merely living in fantasies of having a presumably religious experience, in which you talk with some higher power, instead of with yourself. Spirituality – like social activism for equity, diversity and inclusion – is a way of staying busy with something which is supposedly bigger, greater or better than yourself.


Whatever zealous cause we give our whole life to, is an excuse of not having to deal with our own pitiful, troubled, fragmented, conflicted self. Currently this punitive, forceful, verbally forgetting and forsaking of ourselves, is taking the form of men believing to be women and women believing to be men. Those who know and can have EL, however, don’t care about any of these social movements, which nonetheless are real forms of mass psychosis. This changing-of-the-narrative stuff has been going on for a long time, but it is always again a group-thing, which absolutely vanquishes the individual. Our DL could never produce anything that would make us happy and healthy, to the contrary, it has only made us crazier and crazier and more carried away.


Anyone who is constantly in the news for what they have said or done, is, personally, a big contradiction, a failure and a total chaos. It is absolutely pathetic, that you listen to them, but not to yourself and give power to them, but not to yourself. Although they may demand everyone’s attention, they aren’t in charge of their own lives, like I am. In DL, we are all, unconsciously, attention-grabbers and we get stuck with or trapped by a narrative, which isn’t our own. Those who presumably create a narrative for others to live their lives by, always do this at the expense of themselves. They rather sacrifice themselves on the altar of some stupid cause, than explore their own language, which would make them stop DL, engage in EL and realize their Language Enlightenment (LE).                   

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