Sunday, April 23, 2023




The word fascism is thrown around a lot these days. If people don’t agree with each other, they call each other fascist or racist. People go out of their way, to avoid being called such names and yet, such terms  and accusations keep going back and forth. What is going on here? Who are all these supposedly good  people, who are cussing out all these presumably bad people? Are you the pot – in the saying: the pot who called the kettle black – or are you the kettle?


I heard a joke. So, my scatterbrained friend accused me of misquoting cliches. Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle racist? Here’s another one. There was a water fight at our park today and I won. Nobody is a match for my kettle. How about this one? My friend said: your jokes can get really racist sometimes. I gave him a long and hard look and said: Really, coming from you? That’s like the pot calling the kettle a thief. One more. I heard about this man who died due to his obsession of taking photos of himself next to a boiling kettle. He had serious selfie steam issues. Although you are still pretending, that it is better to be the kettle than the pot – or the other way around – in Disembodied Language (DL), you never really talk with anyone, who doesn’t agree with you and it doesn’t even matter whether you are black or white. The joke itself is racist and must have been invented by white people.


You – not someone else – keep your ugly DL going, in which you set yourself apart from everyone else. Moreover, your whole so-called special and unique identity, is based on this imaginary notion, that you are this separate person, who is having his or her own equally superior, extraordinary experiences. However, there is no one inside of you, who has these wonderful, special experiences, as this is merely the way in which we are used to talk about ourselves. That we are all used to it, doesn’t make it true. To the contrary, it creates only more problems.


The way in which you deal with language – which derives from how others have talked with you and from how you have come to talk with yourself and others – creates nothing but chaos and conflict and yet, you religiously believe, this to be your sacred reality. You don’t like to admit this, but your denial only makes things worse and this is why you live a superficial life of fear, frustration, stress, anxiety, anger and futility. Your negative emotions can only be quelled by having multiple addictions. You keep your sleezy, mechanical behavioral repertoire going, because you are unconscious about who you are.


To be conscious, your language must change, but such change can only occur, if your current verbal manners are stopped. Only once that has been accomplished will it be evident to you, that your DL determined everything else you did or didn’t do. A whole new set of priorities will reveal itself, once you have stopped your DL and engage in Embodied Language (EL). I know many of these truths, as I reap the beneficial consequences of my EL, but you only get to find out about the results of your DL, since you have never engaged in prolonged EL. Furthermore, you keep making it seem as if you already have EL, but you don’t know what it is, as you have never talked with me or with anyone, who is capable of having ongoing EL. Although you read this writing, the next step – to talk with me and to seriously consider what I convey – most likely, is not going to be taken, as you, unknowingly, still wish to continue with stupid, forceful, effortful, phony DL.


My descriptions of your DL, are not the same the  usual dressing down and telling off of other people, as what I say is not my opinion, but an absolute fact.  Anyone with EL, will say what I say about DL and the only reason – after all your unhappy and dissatisfied years of living with fake self-knowledge – you still haven’t taken notice of this magnificent agreement, is because you have only known DL. Yes, you really don’t want to talk about the facts of your own life, as you are afraid, to be exposed for all the nonsense and cruelty you have proclaimed and justified. It has never occurred to you, that your way of dealing with language, in and of itself, is destructive and harmful.


I don’t take part in your so-called reality, as I create and live in my own reality. You may go on believing in and lying about your reality, but I or anyone with EL – it could be you – can hear what you are doing, that’s why you don’t want to talk with me. Nobody with DL wants to talk with anyone who has EL. This has been the case since the human beings became verbal. Astonishingly, we find ourselves at this point in history, where – whether you know it or not, are aware of it or not, believe it or not or are willing to admit it or not – your DL is on its deathbed and the only positive way forward is with my EL. I say my EL, because, unlike you, I am in charge of how I use my language. Surely, EL could also be yours, but this will only be the case, if you have the humility, honesty and courage to acknowledge your total ignorance about this aspect of your life. With DL, you have neglected to pay attention to how you sound and, thus, you speak with a sound, you don’t like to hear. Yes, it isn’t me you don’t want to hear, but yourself.


EL is in favor of humor and, perhaps, it is better to say that humor is in favor of EL, because, why did the kettle get so hot? It needed to blow off steam. And, what do you call Hitler when he gets angry? Fuhrer-ious. What do you call a non-binary fascist? A Not-she. Your DL is morbid, as it prevents laughter. A fascist, liberal, and communist start arguing who’s got a better ideology. To settle their argument, they decide to see whose ideology can make a cat eat mustard. Fascist takes a spoonful of mustard and forcefully shoves it down the cat’s throat. Liberal puts mustard between two pieces of tasty meat and thus tricks the cat into eating it. Communist smears mustard below the cat’s tail. Poor animal starts meowing and tries to lick it off. Communists says: Note, it’s eating mustard voluntarily and with a cheerful song. It's a well-known fact that Hitler often consulted astrologists and people involved in the occult to get direction while Germany fought in World War II. One day he decided to thank his chief astrologer and called him into his office to say: we've done really well in the war and I'm grateful for your advice. I'm wondering something though, how come you never told me something that would be important to me  like when will I die?
The astrologer said: mein Fuhrer, you never asked.
Hitler says: I'm asking you now, do you know the day I'm going to die? The astrologer says: as a matter of fact I do know the day. You're going to die on a Jewish holiday. Hitler is shocked: that's a horrible thing - a Jewish holiday! What Jewish holiday am I going to die on? The man says: any day you die will be a Jewish holiday.
Likewise, I know  when your DL dies, it will be a celebration, as the root cause of fascism has finally been addressed.  

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