Thursday, April 27, 2023




Fundamentally, everything I write and say about Disembodied Language (DL) or Embodied Language (EL) makes perfect sense. I don’t need approval, as I am my own authority. I am dead-serious about the fact, that there are no thoughts in my head. I don’t think and, according to me, you don’t think either.


You merely adhere to an ingrained way of dealing with language, which creates the illusion of thought. However, your DL can be stopped – by you – and if that happens, you will be able to have EL, continue  with it and discover: everything is true what I have said and written about it. Your lack of interest is of no concern to me, as it is your loss, you don’t know about the DL/EL distinction and unknowingly always engage in DL. Everything you believe is based on DL.


Fundamentally, you are in the dark about who you really are, but you cover this up with some kind of belief. You cannot be at peace with yourself, as your involvement in DL, means that your language works against you. Whatever you believe about thinking, should be said and listened to. After that, you need to write about how that was for you. This is the only way to acquire self-knowledge, which will allow you to stop your DL or any other self-defeating behavior.


You keep believing in thinking, in having thoughts, but there are no thoughts, there is only language, which can be spoken, listened to, written or read. It is fundamentally wrong and, therefore, profoundly problematic, to believe in thoughts, as it will always distract you from your own talking and listening, but also from writing and reading, about your talking and your listening. The notion that you think, is a product of your DL, in which can never say what you would really like to say. Only if you talk aloud, alone with yourself, can you say what you want to say, as others – with DL – will always distract you from it.


It will be crystal clear to you, once you have stopped your DL and are able to continue with your EL, that you have, fundamentally, misunderstood everything about relationship and interaction. Whatever your assumptions, beliefs, values, morals, principles or convictions may be, they are fundamentally wrong, as they couldn’t be derived from ongoing EL. People become literate, but they don’t know the difference between DL and EL. No matter how highly educated you are, something is fundamentally wrong with your behavioral repertoire. Also, nobody has found anything by becoming spiritual. DL reigns in every domain of human activity, it creates nothing but trouble and yet, we haven’t even considered it, as talking is needed, that is, talking with ourselves.


Your life will be fundamentally different, once you can have ongoing EL, as EL is the expression of your Language Enlightenment (LE). Your new way of dealing with language will continuously renew you and thought turns out to be only a fantasy. It is, in my opinion, fundamentally immoral to prevent EL. However, it is not thought that stops us from having EL. Also DL doesn’t prevent EL, but as long as our DL goes on, we can’t have EL. People believe in all sorts of nonsense. They believe fear prevents them from living their lives, as they want to, but DL creates and maintains fear. Once DL is stopped, the fear is gone. Also, your DL keeps your low self-esteem going, but your EL will make you happy. LE is a fundamentally different way of perceiving yourself and others.


I fundamentally disagree with everyone, as I don’t think and I don’t believe anyone thinks. Perhaps, you can momentarily allow these words, to reveal to you that what I write is true. While you read these words, you don’t think what you read, but you simply read. If you read it out loud and listen to your voice, you would know a bit more certain, that you only read out loud, you only hear yourself, but there are absolutely no thoughts going on in your head.


Right now, you lack the verbal skill to have ongoing EL and you fundamentally disagree with everything that would make you calm, peaceful, certain, happy, relaxed and clear. Although you keep running away from the verbal fact, that your life is complicated,  drained and wasted by your effortful way of dealing with language, you can’t avoid the challenge of the effortless way of dealing with language, which will fundamentally change you. I know, that right now, you still believe, EL and LE isn’t for you, but you are fundamentally wrong. You have read my words and noticed, there is nothing to be thought about them. My words have a fundamentally different meaning.                


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