Tuesday, April 4, 2023



I talk with myself and what you read here, is the writing of someone, who has dissolved in his Language Enlightenment (LE). Although I can share with you my written Embodied Language (EL), you cannot have my LE, which stays with me. These words are all I have, to convey to you, what has happened. I am no longer putting any effort in trying to find you or come to you. You’ll have to come to me, if you are ready, but most likely, you’re not ready and that is why you stay away.


Naturally, you too can arrive at your LE with your EL, but to do that, you’ll have to stop your Disembodied Language (DL). DL represents not only your history of conditioning with language, but with your entire behavioral repertoire. Therefore, to stop your DL, is to step out of your whole conditioning history. This means, you must forget about your culture, religion, country, upbringing, education and your trauma of not being able, to be who you really are. Perhaps, this last one is the biggest reason, why you don’t listen to yourself and acknowledge, the struggle, confusion and chaos, you experience, every day.


Indeed, with DL, you have never truly been yourself, as your language took you for a ride. I don’t want you to listen to me. I don’t make you listen to me, as that would be a waste of my and your time. You need to listen to yourself and the only way you are going to be able to do that, is if you speak out loud with yourself, about whatever you want to and need to talk about. You’ll listen, once you say to yourself what matters to you, once you stop playing games and express what is really going on. Yes, there are things you need to know and your only way to come to know them, is to say them and to listen to them.


You need time, to be away from others, so you can speak alone with yourself. This is not some stupid prayer, like a child crying for its parent, but mature, healthy, intelligent, necessary conversation, about everything you cannot talk about with others. Of course, you can, in principle, talk about it with others, but, only with those, who have done the same as you have been doing. Obviously, I have already done what I’m writing about and when you talk with me, there is no possibility to deny that. In fact, I only talk with those, who do as I do, who face the great challenge of taking care of their own needs, by listening to themselves, while they speak. 


Although I have a regular job and interact with folks at work, I never talk with them about EL of my LE. It took me sixty-four years to acknowledge, I need to have this incognito life-style, to be able to not get involved in anyone’s DL. To me, too much time and energy has already been wasted, on the common, superficial, dumb way in which people deal with their language. However, I am who I am, because of what I have done. Talking with myself is much more important to me than talking with you. I don’t crave, as I used to, your attention, as your attention isn’t any good to me. I get right attention from myself.


Once people talk out loud with themselves, they’ll suddenly hear something new, which isn’t part of their repetitive habit. This is also when, at long last, they give, as well as receive, themselves the right kind of attention. However, as long we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak, we are out of touch with ourselves, as our attention is always busy with others. Furthermore, in DL, we deal with ourselves, as if we are someone else. Indeed, there is always some conflict going on between what we say, we think or feel or who we are and were meant to be.


You weren’t meant to be anything and all the things you’ve told yourself to be, were totally false. They weren’t true, as you gave yourself the wrong kind of attention, in which your fragmentation, your chaos, your forcefulness and your superstitious, superficial  nonsense continued, which made you part of some group, race, culture, ethnicity, politics or country.


When you die, you are none of the things, you have been talking about your whole life, so the right kind of attention, is to die, while you are still alive, which simply means, to let go of your words and to listen to your own voice. Only then something new can be said, only then will what you say be done, only then is there congruence and harmony, between what you say and how you say it. You are going to die, this is absolutely certain. Your denial of your own death and your idiotic belief in some sort of after-life or in reincarnation, indicates that you are not really alive, as you hang on to everything, even though you can’t and shouldn’t. With DL, you live like a zombie, but with EL, you come alive, as you have raised yourself from the death, from your involvement in DL. And,  you do this for yourself, but not for someone else.    

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