Sunday, April 16, 2023




I feel blissful today. I know very well how this wonderful experience happened to me. Strangely enough, I don't feel that I have done anything for it, although it is of course absolutely true that I have done everything for it. How could anyone write or say such a thing? Very simple: by talking to himself or herself out loud and thereby being able to listen to his or her own voice, which tells him or her that his or her language really is all his or her own.


Embodied Language (EL) is appropriating our language for ourselves. This is not about taking a position or having a certain belief, because the irrefutable self-evidence that we experience is possible from the space that we have created with our own language. The battle in which everyone with Disembodied Language (DL) is involved no longer takes place, because our language is really  embodied and so we can remain in the here and now, while speaking, listening, writing or reading.


Although there is always something new being said, heard, understood, discovered, explored, revered or  created, there is no identification whatsoever with the words and phrases that by themselves describe what may come. Dissolving our language in the heart-space we are discussing gives an enormous peace that cannot be achieved in any other way.

People often speak of the need for so-called 
calming of our turbulent minds, but those 
who can have EL know that anyone who 
speaks of their language in that way is 
subconsciously living and acting from DL. 
There is simply no mind for those who have
 EL and the settling down, in the language 
that creates space, only became possible 
because the language that occupied 
space has finally ceased.


EL is not the opposite of DL, but what happens when DL doesn't take place. Initially, we tend to view DL from our old conditioning with the dualistic DL, in which we always talk about the other, who seems to prevent us from staying with ourselves. Because of EL, we can finally focus on ourselves. In DL the appearance is kept up that we are talking to each other - and therefore never to ourselves - but in EL it is very clear to us, that talking to ourselves makes the real conversation with others possible.


Reaching the other with language is always an extension of experiencing ourselves and everything is exactly as it should be. In the absence of verbal attention for our own experience, however, there is always a tendency to fill what may be called our greatest lack. Everyone tries, unnoticed, to fill the void, which is experienced as a negative emotion. Acknowledging and allowing those negative feelings with impunity, in our language, causes an effortless  transformation, making even our most chaotic, evil, fanatical, cramped, confused, bizarre and perverse experiences meaningful and valuable. There is so much that, because of our own DL, has gone unsaid, to ourselves. And, yes, of course, it takes time and conversation to catch up with ourselves, but once we acknowledge the difference between DL an EL, we suddenly find ourselves having both the time and the energy to get into talking with ourselves.


Writing about DL and EL has a different function than talking aloud to ourselves. In listening to ourselves, we come into direct contact with what matters to us, in the moment we speak to ourselves, but in writing about it, a process of reasoning takes place that makes us rational, about how we feel.


In writing about EL - to ourselves - we become more rational about our emotions, while in speaking to ourselves, about what we experience, we become more and more emotional, because we can really finally experience, what we experience, because our language has become attuned to our experience. Of course this has to do with how we sound and so, in talking to ourselves, we can still sound very ugly, restless, hateful, annoying, paranoia, insensitive, superficial, vulgar, lost and nagging. To ourselves, we would rather never talk about this at all and because others usually did not want to listen to it, we do not want to hear it from ourselves either. In talking to ourselves, however, there is no avoiding this, and we say, albeit begrudgingly, everything that bothers us, however futile, reprehensible, mad, exhausting, unpleasant, ridiculous, against the grain, sad or disturbing. Precisely the expression of what we most dislike makes us step out of our DL.


There is often talk of the so-called necessity, which would exist, to simply accept the discomfort and negativity in conversation with others, because the other, so to speak, confronts us with the so-called facts, which we might be inclined to deny. In that case, there is always a power relationship, in which the person, who is supposedly allowed to say it as it supposedly is, takes the lead and with his or her DL dominates the other, who must submissively accept this unquestioningly and basically suck it all up, in order to be able to ‘really’ take responsibility for the negativity, that he or she nevertheless experiences because of the coercive DL of the other person.


Rest assured, in speaking to ourselves, the verbal rape, mentioned in the previous paragraph, never takes place, because to ourselves, for ourselves, with ourselves and because of ourselves – with the words we have for it, with the understanding and acceptance that we have about it and with the patience and time we have for this – we have let it be known, that we experience this, because this is the only way to express this verbally to ourselves.


Maybe we feel shortchanged? Maybe we are tired of always experiencing the same drama over and over again? Maybe we really don't want DL anymore from now on and because we've said and heard it so many times in all its monstrosity, unconsciousness, impetuosity, resentment, doggedness, guilelessness and unscrupulousness, we're coming to know who we are, who we were and who we will be, if only we could speak – in our own language – about what happened to us. Yes, a great deal of suffering and sorrow has befallen us and we can hear it, if we say it to ourselves. And, we can also write about this and leave it all behind us, because with our EL we surrender to our Language Enlightenment (LE).

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