Wednesday, February 15, 2023




There's just no getting around the fact that when we eventually start to have Embodied Language (EL), we're actually going deeper into ourselves, so to speak. Of course, this metaphorical way of speaking is only – so to speak – for there is no deeper or higher self. We use those kinds of expressions to make something known.


The so-called deeper is always related to the so-called superficial, and our higher self is always related to our so-called lower self. There is nothing paradoxical about the fact that by speaking more deeply about ourselves we go to our higher selves and thus to our Language Enlightenment (LE), but in reality there is only a change in our use of our language taking place, that could not have taken place, as long as we didn't listen to ourselves.


The major difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and EL is that during EL we listen to ourselves and this listening to ourselves determines that we can listen to others. In DL, on the other hand, listening to others is always the focus and we completely forget to listen to ourselves. So you could also say that because of listening to yourself, you sink deeper into yourself.


The so-called embodiment of our language or of ourselves, of course, is itself merely a way of talking, for there is in reality no entity that embodies, accepts, allows, becomes aware, acknowledges, or recognizes itself. So, during DL, we are unknowingly just endlessly juggling with words, but in EL, we stop with all our usual tricks, gimmicks and habits.


In DL, it is apparently of great importance whether we are talking about our so-called superficial or our deeper selves, or our higher or lower selves, but during EL, that distinction no longer matters to us. So in EL, we are finally ourselves, so to speak, as we realize – because we listen to ourselves and thus have become aware of ourselves – that we have actually always been enlightened and that this is of course also the case for others.


The absence of reactive tendencies is made possible by the conscious cessation of our habit. DL is our conditioning with language, which has prompted us to do something—with our language—other than what we actually want. In DL we do, involuntarily - with our language - what we ourselves do not want to do, and once we realize this, we immediately, without any effort, stop doing it.


As long as we have not been able to express to ourselves – by repeatedly talking to ourselves aloud and by listening to the sound of our own voice – what we really want, we are also unable to stop our DL and to have EL. The indisputable, pleasurable fact of EL is that it's real and natural, and it happens all by itself, whereas DL always costs us, as it takes  tremendous pain and effort. From our conditioning, however, we are inclined to pretend that the matter is exactly the other way around, and that DL is therefore something to which we, for the sake of convenience, fall back from old habit, but nothing could be further from the truth. There is absolutely nothing convenient about stressful, anxious DL.


In order to have DL, we violate ourselves and thus each other, again and again, because we force, coerce, punish and blow ourselves up, in order to continue to pretend to be who we believe we are but cannot be , because who we really are is not a belief. That is why EL is always a relief, liberation, relaxation, release, coming home after a pointless search, crying about what was impossible and letting go of what is unnatural. Of course, only our EL's hallowed progress can produce the correct description of our LE, which remained unknown and unspoken during DL. Saying what does us good makes us do everything that makes us happy and what makes others happy as well. Happy Valentine's Day.

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