Saturday, February 18, 2023




Since I have discovered my Language Enlightenment (LE) – because I began to acknowledge the immense difference between our Disembodied Language (DL) and our Embodied Language (EL) – I have developed my own intolerant perspective, on everything which pertains to DL. Certainly, I write in this way, because those who have DL, neither understand nor respect the fact, that I prefer to have EL. I insist, they would prefer EL as well, had they known the difference between their usual, unintelligent way of talking and the way of talking, which I, to protect myself, rather keep to myself or only share with those, who are able to appreciate it. I admit, I am what they call bigoted, but I don’t care, as I live my own way of life and to me, individualism is the essence of America.   


I am never going to tell you this in your face, but only in writings as these, that your usual, deceitful, coercive, phony, draining and superstitious way of talking, completely denies and constantly rejects, who I am. However, your DL, of course, doesn’t allow you to be yourself either. Since you believe, you already know everything there is to know about speaking, listening, reading and writing, you make it seem, as if there’s something wrong with me and my language, when in fact, there is something wrong with anyone, who doesn’t know any better, than to engage in mechanical, insensitive, dull DL.


I have no problem with my white skin color nor with the color of others. Those, who try to convince me, something is wrong with me, because I happen to be white, engage in DL. I hate all the race-baiters and fear-mongers. And, this is not hate-speech, but  EL, which represents my LE. I also hate many other things and it is totally healthy to do so. I couldn’t live a healthy, happy life, if I didn’t hate and verbally express, what makes such a life impossible. Those who tell me, it is wrong to hate, always pretend to be holier-than-me. Fuck them. To know me, is to engage in EL and to recognize goodness in yourself.    


I am unashamed to say, I hate the horrible sound of leaf-blowers or rap or reggae music. I am perfectly okay, with my disgust for rotten apples, cigarette or marijuana smoke; people, who beat each other up to win a price or just because they themselves are frustrated; people, who believe in a non-existent, personal, higher power; people, who don’t take responsibility for their own actions; people, who endlessly play the victim card. I also hate people, who try intimidate others with their appearance, with their tattoos, blue hair, fake eye-lashes, creepy plastic nails, botox-lips, uniforms, crosses, stars, turbans, scarfs and dresses. I just hate it, when aggressive people play their horrific noisy music in their cars so loud, that you can hear it from one block away. I hate cars with exhaust-pipes, which make roaring sounds. I hate the by DL-perpetuated inhuman stupidity, that only more weapons, more war and more military, instead of sensible EL or real communication, can secure mankind’s future. I hate to see industries destroy the natural environment, but also hate to see homeless people and junkies trash our town, parks and creeks. I believe, stopping our own DL, will stop all that nonsense and more… 


With EL, we accept everyone as they truly are and this means: we fully acknowledge and explain why so many people are fucked up. In our technology dependent societies, we can’t keep dancing around the real and, therefore, increasingly urgent issue, that unscientific DL still dominates every culture. Science is the standard, which has yet to be applied to how we communicate. How can we speak and listen, if we keep feeling threatened and fearful? We are only able to pretend to be talking and to be listening, as long as we keep engaging in DL.


Among teen-agers depression and suicide is on the rise. Crime numbers are going through the roof and the overrated call for reform of the justice system has undermined any respect for law-enforcement, our last line of defense against total chaos. People are addicted to alcohol and drugs and fail to create, let alone maintain, the stable family-environments, in which healthy, happy, confident, capable children can grow up. In the name of equity, a lowering of standards has eroded and disparaged intellectual pursuits, because, presumably, computer-games, social-media, sports events or so-called spirituality, that is, instant gratification, is more important. In EL, we surely admit self-reinforcement is important, as our interest in how we use our own language, would make us conscious and allow us to be social in ways, which we have never before experienced.


When people are said to have gender-dysphoria, they presumably express discomfort about feeling that their emotional or psychological identity is at variance with their birth sex. It would, however, be much more to the point, to simply state, that they are uncomfortable with the way in which people are talking with them. That is why heterosexuals  are being told by the so-called LGBTQ community, which is not a community at all, to address them in the way, that they want to be addressed. They tell other people how to talk. However, anyone who knows about the great difference between DL and EL, instantly recognizes, they are actually trying to claim, albeit unconsciously, that they have EL, while in fact they punish, confront, argue, claim, pretend and, like all the so-called straight people, attempt to dominate and oppress others, with their form of DL.


Although, because I have EL, I accept everyone and respect the fact, that they were, like me, inevitably conditioned by the circumstances, in which they grew up, I write this text, to let the reader know, that people like me, never receive any respect for the fact, that they have outgrown and transcended their history of conditioning. People always insist on respect for the existing culture. Generally speaking, nobody seems to take any note of the important fact that traditions, have always conditioned people to develop and value group-oriented behavior, instead of individual-oriented behavior. It is often said that different cultures enrich society, but the way this works, is that when we come in contact with other cultures, we inevitably are less insistent on our own traditions, and, therefore, we become  more and more an individual. Human beings have always lived and survived in groups, but we have to  face the fact, that group-behavior is on its deathbed and mankind’s only future is true individualism.   


Anyone, who can continue with EL, instead of only having a few accidental moments of it, agrees that the current wave of transgenderism is, of course, a social phenomenon. Moreover, it is, like many other trends, a reaction against our ubiquitous DL, which nevertheless remains unaddressed. Presumably, we become individual, but reality is, we are anxiously trying to adhere to another so-called group-think.   


As the institutions of information, of what could have been a healthy democratic government, have been corrupted and distorted, we are left to our own so-called critical thinking skills, but what are those overrated thinking skills, if we don’t talk with ourselves, so that we can hear, what we have to say about our own individual perspective of our reality? It is clear to anyone with EL, that the general denial of EL, inadvertently, results in a lowering of once painstakingly enforced empirical standards, because our common way of talking itself is unscientific. As a result, society is becoming more and more chaotic and people are literally becoming crazier, day by day, although nobody knows, why this is occurring.


As a white, heterosexual, conservative, middleclass, super-sensitive, intellectual, well-travelled, artistic, humoristic, atheist American, there is something I want to get off my chest, because I certainly win the pitty-party contest. I am the biggest victim, because I have EL. Moreover, unlike everyone else, I know how to have EL and the future of mankind depends on me. You would feel this way too, if you managed to stop your stupid DL and engage in EL with me, but to be that responsible, turns you off, as you’d rather be entertained. However, if you muster the courage to face the facts, you will admit that everything, yes, absolutely everything, depends on you and this has nothing to do with imagining yourself to be more important than you really are. With DL, you are not even important to yourself and that is why you wish to be important in the eyes of others, but in EL, you really matter to yourself, although in the eyes of others, you probably remain totally unimportant.


As someone, who was sexually molested as a child – who couldn’t connect with his abusive, authoritarian, catholic father, but who for many years struggled with the fact, that he kept being involved with gay men, who always took a liking in him, although he felt that he wasn’t gay – I have a hard time, feeling emphatic towards confused, but vocal men, who don’t know how to honestly deal with their feelings, but go so far in their deranged fantasy, that they believe to be a woman in a men’s body and that surgery will solve all their problems.


I have no acceptance for women, who want to look like men and have themselves mutilated by doctors, who make a living off of this mania. Also, therapists, psychologists, teachers and, of course, parents, are complicit in facilitating this tragedy. Transgendered people are mentally disturbed and that is why they demand from all straight people, they must not only accept, but even celebrate their views. Analogously, everyone with DL always finds fault with those who have EL and never allow EL of others to continue. It is quite apparent to me, that men, who believe to be women, are always sickly interested in children or in other vulnerable people and that is why, they are so activist-adamant, that their perspectives are taught as early as possible. Moreover, anyone with EL can see and say, there is a blatant revengeful aspect about men, who pretend to be women, who compete with and win from women, in sports. Yet,  there are no women, claiming to be men, who want to compete with men, because they simply cannot win. However, women believing to be men, have their own ax to grind, as they prefer to intimidate and boss around cis-gender males. In conclusion, the way in which we commonly talk, that is, our DL, has remained unaddressed and there is definitely a lot of suffering involved in this. However, nobody knows about EL, let alone about LE and that is why, supposedly, it is okay, that all this woke bullshit is being pushed down the throat of ordinary people, by fanatic, virtue-signaling, academic, political inquisitors, who wrongly believe to benefit from it. Our real challenge is to stop our DL and to engage in EL. This is the issue of our time from which we keep being distracted. Talk with me and find out more.                                  

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