Tuesday, February 14, 2023




I immigrated to the United States in 1999. It was the best decision I have ever made. Upon my arrival, I wrote a poem, which predicted how my life was going to be. Although it is now twenty-four years later, I happily say, I have accomplished my goal.   


Now that I am here

I know that for year after year

I have been avoiding my fear


Now that I agree

I say what is true for me

I let it come out and be free


Now that I know

My struggle was just a big show

I can finally let it all go


Now that I feel

It is not a very big deal

I calmly step out of the wheel


I assume everyone, who reads this blog, has heard about enlightenment. Most people believe it to be something out of reach, only for some, supposedly, highly developed spiritual persons, but I am here to tell you, that Language Enlightenment (LE) is for everyone, in the same way, you can already speak, listen, read and write. My version of enlightenment isn’t anything you have ever heard about: listening to the sound of your own voice, while you speak.


In this writing, you read about the great difference between when we hear our sound, while we speak and when this is not the case. The former is called Embodied Language (EL), the latter Disembodied Language (DL). You engage, without knowing it, day in day out, in DL. I know you don’t believe me, but, perhaps, you can, for now, suspend your disbelief? I know what I write is very simple and redundant, but if you stop your DL and follow along with my EL, you will be surprised what happens, especially, if you do as I say: start reading this text aloud, from the very beginning and listen to your voice while you read. If you do that, you will be able to notice the important  difference, between your own DL and your own EL.


The more I write about my EL and my LE, the more I realize, people are not getting it, because they want it to be something special. When you hear your own voice saying it, you can let yourself know, that both EL as well as LE are very normal. However, DL isn’t normal, it is, pardon my French, fucked up. You are always feeling stressed out, anxious, dissatisfied, depressed, frustrated, confused, distracted and lonely with DL and, yes, this is how you usually feel, because you usually engage, unconsciously, in DL.


If you would continue to engage in EL, you would be expressing, as I do, LE and feel confident, satisfied, happy, energized, caring, nourished, calm, hopeful, relaxed or relieved. So, yes, all there is to the great difference between DL and EL, is that you either use your language in a negative or in a positive manner. Obviously, when you keep using your language in a positive way, you are able to experience your LE.


DL is abnormal, as in DL, you always pretend to be someone special, but you are just another human being and yes, one day, like everyone else, you will die. I know you are afraid of death and that is why your way of talking and, subsequently, dealing with language, makes you fantasize about eternal life, but there is no such thing. If you engage in EL, as you hopefully are, right now, you grow up and you let go of all your childish, nonsensical demands.  


Now that you are hearing your own voice, while you are reading my writing, you can acknowledge, I am not trying to sell you on EL or LE. It wouldn’t work anyway. You can be sold and – whether you admit or not – you are sold, hook, line and sinker, again and again on DL. I love the simplicity, which I can have because of my EL. You could say, that my LE, is the simplicity and sensitivity, expressed by my EL.


Although it is true, that sensitivity and simplicity are characteristics of our EL and LE, there more to it, than judgmental people with DL admit. With EL, we can be verbal, vocal, logical and hilarious about the workings of DL as well as EL. These two opposing, mutually exclusive ways of dealing with language have their own logic. However, if we consider the workings of DL with EL, we express very different implications about DL, than when we, as we usually – in vain – try to do, talk with our DL about our DL.


These days, people talk a lot about trans-genderism. In colleges and in universities, whole departments are set up to facilitate this hype. Parents, teachers, doctors, psychologists and therapists promote this idea, which, presumably, is about being your real self. Not coincidentally, we are being told to change our language, but the possibility of EL is completely covered up. All we hear is another version of DL. It is very clear to anyone with EL, as long as we can’t have EL – because we don’t yet know about it – we have no other choice, than talk with DL about DL.


Even though people around the world are involved in it, it isn’t possible to talk with DL about our DL. All we do, is pretend with our DL, as if our way of dealing language is better than DL itself. Surely, we keep coming up with more manipulative, scheming, complicated, purple-hair-splitting DL, but it is still DL and, consequently, our DL never stops, so that our EL could start. DL must stop before EL can begin.


Even if, by chance, we manage to temporarily stop our DL and have some EL, we don’t know how to continue with it and ongoing EL or world-peace, is merely an unachievable ideal, dream or belief, for which we, inadvertently, fanatically, desperately, but above all, unintelligently, are willing to sacrifice just about anything. EL shows us DL’s grim reality.


Ongoing EL is only going to happen, after we have had so much of it, that we can recognize our LE and begin to have faith in the irrevocable fact, that we always unknowingly wanted EL and not DL. It is our natural state (LE), which tells us to have EL instead of DL, but due to our conditioning history with DL, we misunderstand our natural state, and, therefore, we keep acting out of fear. DL, our outdated way of dealing with our language, illustrates this sad fact.    


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