Monday, February 13, 2023




Why do famous people write a memoir? It is to set the record straight. They still want to express something, they feel wasn’t seen or heard. They want to reveal, at least for once, who they really are. This also, of course, may involve revenge, as they wish to get back at those, who have wronged them. They want to explain, mostly to themselves, why they did what they did. Even those, who feel like failures, attempt to use their language, to feel better about themselves. They write journals and if they kill others and go on to kill themselves, they often leave behind a manifesto for others to read.


I will never write a memoir, as I have Embodied Language (EL). Writing a memoir, is a desperate act which derives from Disembodied Language (DL). I write this blog about my Language Enlightenment (LE), which has made me realize, that DL and EL don’t mix. EL can only be understood by someone with EL. I can only address all those, who have DL, by insisting, they are absolutely under-performing.


Surely, when I put my finger on the horrible fact, that mechanical DL is everywhere, that there has never been and that there will never be, a way in which we are ever going to be able to address it and stop it with our DL, I am still having EL. I even have EL, if I say or write that your DL is dumb, disgusting, superficial, unacceptable, boring and very harmful.


Memoirs, presumably, are factual written accounts of what someone, as always, selectively remembers about certain events and people. However, there can’t be anything factual that is a product of our DL. We are dealing with written, not spoken language, as there was never any time or opportunity to speak about it. Without knowing it, we are pushed into creating written accounts, as coercive DL rules, everywhere. I write with the full knowledge, that you, who have DL, are unable to engage with me in EL. I don’t feel pushed into writing because of DL, to the contrary, it is because of LE, I can now express my EL in writing. Besides, I already have EL with one person and that is sufficiently satisfying to me.


Anyone, who has had enough EL, to become aware about their LE, will produce writings, such as these, in which they victoriously put DL in its dark place. They do this out of a sense of pride and joy, as they know very well EL-writing is, of course, as needed as EL-speaking. Stated differently, anyone who knows about the immense difference between DL and EL, recognizes the insidious fact, that all books and writings are derived from the DL, which the authors have been unconsciously involved in, their entire lives. There are no writings about EL and although, this writing may never be read by anyone, I have written it, because I am able to write it and read it.       

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