Sunday, December 17, 2023


Here is another beautiful text – I translated it for you from Dutch to English – from my dear friend AnnaMieke, with whom I speak every week with Embodied Language (ELT) about our Language Enlightenment (LE)... please, also check out her beautiful blog, where she writes fantastically about all her discoveries with EL.




The resilience it can have, because of the logical consequence that the enlightenment has come to my parts, which I have been looking for for a long time. Unnoticed from all the writing, something has arisen, which has come to resemble an enlightenment and can now also experience that the decisiveness it had has flowed through to the wide ocean, where the drops have started to divide into more, in which I myself also stood. Where the brilliance that I could feel has now been confirmed in the action it has, in the breadth of discovering that I share my enlightenment. And I want to investigate which plane of encounter was still missing. And the little man on my shoulder who often passed judgment on not daring to speak about the enlightenment that I possess. Unknowingly, I have always known that my specialness in speaking and writing has shaped me into who I am and will be called, just as I know my name, like the dikes have been reinforced, like the wall has now fallen, in which I see a width that in its natural origin has placed me in the future of the present. I no longer wonder whether that is the intention, but simply my language points in that direction can indicate to unfold as it comes. Daring to be natural and being able to listen to one's own sound, where the core of an enlightenment can unfold, without an opposing voice. Without judging myself, but it is decisive in everything ordinary, which ultimately remains very special. Unnoticed as in a vision, the work that I show is flooded with my own writing as intended. I no longer wonder in the possibility of writing whether what I am doing is right, but let me go with the surrender that I feel I surrender to what can arise, which has remained my drive unnoticed, because I can now understand myself. Not only my words want to go to the light, but also all my parts on my blog. Awakening to who I really am to dare to be, which is known as enlightenment in being able to notice what it is like to be truly enlightened.

That is where my words fall short, where experiencing becomes more important, where the energy becomes so different in describing my language. Where the emotion has come closer, in the tears that can overwhelmingly tell me that this is the enlightenment in which I stand. Daring to stand by my own naturalness, to experience who I am, which has arisen in my writing.

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