Saturday, December 30, 2023




It has never been said like this before – at least, I have never heard it – but it is of course true, that we laugh so little anymore, because we have become increasingly stupid and incompetent with our words. There will probably be someone, who will take offense to this again, but the fact remains, that our bluntness and speaking truth to power does not promote laughter but stops it.


Let it be said at last, that all our endless whining is far too serious. Even if someone is completely right, it is and remains an unpleasant complaint that does not help anyone. Real laughter seems to have left with the north sun, since the techno-religion started to determine that texts, supposedly, are also communication. It seems so, but it is not so. The lack of humor, all things considered, is no longer noticeable to anyone who grew up with I-phones, Facebook, Instagram, etc. We do, very occasionally, pretend to laugh a little, but everyone knows, that laughter, so to speak, is actually something outdated from the old days.


Honestly, the only way to make us laugh again, is to let someone speak, who can remember from the past – or preferably, of course, from a recent experience – what it was like to laugh. Someone who clearly knows what he or she is talking about. This is something completely different than explaining it to someone, who doesn't get the joke or who hasn't listened carefully, because that never leads to anything. Retrieving the memory of laughter is of the utmost importance to revive laughter.


For someone who can still remember
 laughing like it was yesterday, 
it is certainly no exaggeration 
to say that to recall and to cherish 
that memory of laughter as much as
 possible pays off. Without such 
a thorough approach, we can 
shake it, but not with laughter. 
There is more to laughing, than
 just shaking yes with our heads. 
There are many stupidly
 annoying comedians, who
 want us to believe, we can
 be made to laugh by 
being overwhelmed with noisy
 commotion. In short, they are, 
presumably, trying to wake 
everyone up.
Although there is absolutely
 nothing to laugh at with 
stinky old philosophers, 
like Renee Descartes, it 
seems to be the case, that 
the original meaning of 
cogito – which appears in
 his famous cogito ergo sum, 
I think, therefore I 
am – means: shaking 
together, turning over 
or putting into motion. 
While it may be a bit 
far-fetched, our awakening 
from our laughter-deprivation,
 of course, has nothing to 
do with suddenly waking 
up from a bad dream, but 
with the activation of our 
laughing muscles. These
comedians, pretend to
 laugh and speak so 
spontaneously, but it's 
all just an act.


All that idiotic shouting, that aggrieved swearing and that maniacal, out-of-control, rapid-quick, supposedly-funny-hilarious talk, means that in the end not much is said anymore - actually nothing at all - and that everyone, often also with a piece in their collar, snaps shut. You would like to believe that this is now more or less common knowledge, but, apparently, there are still entire hordes of folk,  who hold on to slamming the door in your face, instead of opening it for you. In my opinion, most of the tiresome, with-thick-wood-you-can-saw planks, celebrated jokers, are depressed people, who slam one door after another and with a very loud bang. No wonder everyone shuts down and, basically, has stopped laughing, because we are constantly being hit around the ears with those annoying noise from all those slamming doors. And, no one is keeping a door open anymore - as it should be – so, it seems as if our great lack of good humor, has to be explained by our lack of politeness and good manners.


In the past, people sometimes reminded each other of the missing laughter, with the saying: laugh and the world laughs with you. It was also said, when you laugh, the whole world laughs with you, but when you cry, you cry alone, but, like I said, no one seems to remember anything about real laughter anymore. It's easier said than done and that's why we have stopped laughing. Our modern problem is, we don't really want to put any effort into it. People say, that everything has already been said and done, but even though everything has been said, as far as our laughter is concerned, nothing has been done.


Laughter is a different with me, because I do what I say. I laugh every day and I enjoy myself because I am happier than most people. I don't say this to put myself above others, but to let it be said: a happy person laughs more often and more easily than an unhappy person. An unhappy person is always a party pooper, but they are the ones, who mostly pretend to be funny. We've never paid much attention to this, but those unfortunate whiners pretend to be funny, but they're actually pathetic. The fact that we usually mawkishly laugh at pitiful people, is a clear sign of psychological decline.


Why have you always said yes to fake-fun, but keep saying no, to real humor? You do this unconsciously, because according to you, pretending is really fun, but real fun is a problem that bothers you. Someone like me, laughs because he is happy, but not because he tries to mask his problems. Others who laugh at me, who catch my humor, are also really happy that real laughter still exists. Why do you settle for that phony humor, that doesn't make your misery more bearable, but even worse?


Yes, it is a big lie that our laborious laughter would do us any good. On the contrary, our laughter has a detrimental effect, because we make fun of the most horrible things, while we dissociate from what is really happening. That dissociative effect of our false humor is devastating, because it dulls us. We are literally laughing our heads off. We hardly laugh or don't laugh at all anymore, because we are actually too stupid, too insensitive, too superficial and too pretentious. Humor means awareness, sensitivity, authenticity and intelligence and is therefore of a very special quality. Unless you behave in a different way than you were used to, humor is not for you. My humor is not beholden to anyone and it is high time, you face that fact. The ridiculous idea, that some comedian could make you laugh is an incorrect characterization of humor.


In this writing, I have 
conveyed the happy and 
good news about the 
constant humor, which
 derives from my 
Embodied Language (EL)
 and you have just read 
about it, very courageously
 and attentively, up to 
this last paragraph, but I
 tell you once more, you
 have not heard what I 
have said, because speaking 
and listening is completely
 different from writing 
and reading. Humor 
doesn't care about your 
biased attitude, your 
beliefs and expectations. 
You can never laugh 
because you believe, 
you know what is funny. 
Unless you let go of 
your meaningless image 
of humor - which is 
maintained by your 
senseless Disembodied 
Language (DL) - you 
only pretend that something
 is fun. You have no idea
 how strange and unpleasan
t you seem, as long as you
 pretend, you are having 
such a good time, because 
everyone can see with their
 own eyes and hear with
 their own ears, this is not 
the case. You are performing,
 proving, showing off, 
but you are not laughing
 and you are expressing, 
that you do not know 
what it is like, to laugh. 
If you knew, why don't 
you laugh with me? No, 
you really don't know 
and your biggest dilemma is, 
that you can't admit, that 
you don't know. Just imagine
 if you did that? How would
 you laugh then? Even though
 I write here, that I have 
said enough now, I know
 that with these words I have
 said something very valuable,
 which later can really be 
talked about and laughed about.


Here is what my dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke wrote about my writing…. That a smile could turn into a whole of laughter. Where the words can turn to some pleasure, in what can arise, if one can experience, that the lightness in writing, can experience it, to be able to share together in which the laughter can arise xxx….and this, dear reader is our prediction for 2024, in which we are going to experience our laughter is a rising again from our EL and is showing us our Language Enlightenment (LE).

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