Monday, December 18, 2023




When you discover – for yourself – the difference between your Disembodied Language (DL) and your Embodied Language (EL), you are faced with a great challenge. Although it is instantly clear to you, that you prefer your EL over your DL, your history of conditioning with DL can only be dismantled, to the extent, that you will be able to continue your EL. In order to continue your EL, you will have to stop your DL and to be able to accomplish this, you have to be upfront with yourself about behaviors, which are a match with your DL and those behaviors that match with your EL. Unless you correctly instruct yourself, to let go of those self-defeating behaviors, which were created and maintained by your DL, you will not be able to continue your EL and the whole behavioral repertoire, which matches with your EL.


Once you have admitted – to yourself – the great difference between your negative DL and your positive EL, you know very well, it is not up to you, to arrange a match between your own problematic behavior and your DL or between your liberating behavior and your EL. You either accept it, as it is, or you reject it. Most likely, you will do the latter. Due to your history of conditioning with DL, you will inevitably pretend, defend, believe and assert, all kinds of total nonsense, but the troubling reality of the rigid match between your supposedly normal behavior and your DL cannot be avoided. However, when you consider the match between your EL and the behaviors, which belong to it, you can’t help but feel uncertain, overwhelmed and confused, as you have never consciously paid attention, to those behaviors, which you absolutely need to be happy.


The only way in which you are going to be able, to match your EL with the behaviors, which fit with the language of your individuality, is if you surrender to the unfolding of your own EL, but this isn’t anything you have ever experienced before with your DL. As a matter of fact, you can only have EL, when your DL is completely stopped – as often as it takes – by you. Sometimes you may succeed, but often times you just can’t seem to do it, since you don’t know why you continue with your DL, as you haven’t talked enough about it with yourself. It makes no sense simply guessing, which behaviors fit with your EL and trying to have EL doesn’t work either.


During EL it is self-evident, what you should do or shouldn’t do, to have it. Obviously, you shouldn’t have DL and as you begin to hear and listen to your own self-instructions with your EL, you will actually begin to do all the things you have said to yourself, you would do. You will be so amazed and delighted, that you can follow through and that you achieve many positive consequences, which you have never experienced before. Although there will, of course, be setbacks, as you keep falling back into your habit of having DL again, this is necessary, because it makes you aware about the behaviors which match with your DL and the behaviors which match with your EL. You will be surprised about the behaviors which match with your EL, because they steer you into your aloneness, independence and freedom.


You will, in due course, discover this by yourself, your EL is not about your stress, anxiety, sadness, jealousy, frustration, fear, anger, confusion or lies, but about your wellbeing, relaxation, understanding, truth and happiness. All your dreadful, problematic, arrogant, automatic, insensitive, unnatural, dumb, superficial, meaningless behavior is a match with your stubborn DL. Neither I nor you made it so, this is a fact of life, which with EL you finally accept, say and hear. Moreover, you like to hear your EL, but of course, you don’t like to hear your DL and that is why you continue your EL and stop your DL. Why would you continue with DL, if it keeps so many of your ineffective troublesome behaviors going, which you no longer want to be involved in?


There is no way around it, when you begin to listen to your voice while you speak, you either notice the match or the mismatch between your language and your behavior. The former is your EL, the latter is your DL. Stated differently, you like and enjoy how you behave in EL, but you dislike and dread it, when you engage in DL. You never noticed this before, as you didn’t do the experiment, in which you listen to yourself while you speak and determine for yourself what is DL and EL. Look up cymatics, the science which investigates how sound waves create patterns in matter. Your voice is your sound, which creates all the behavioral patterns of your life. After you have stopped your DL and can continue with your EL, because you truly enjoy what you hear and when you allow yourself, to do what you like, you will experience your Language Enlightenment (LE).


The behaviors, which match and, therefore, support your EL and reveal your LE, have never occurred, because they are always new. In other words, your speaking voice is a vibration, which creates new behavioral patterns. However, this only occurs, if you speak with yourself and if you keep listening to how you sound and say what you say, so that you remain attuned to the frequency, which renews you.  EL is a match made in heaven, because you live in extasy, due to your sound and your behavior. At a practical level, you tell yourself what it is like to be enlightened and how to behave like an enlightened human being. You predict what you say and do, as you now listen to the previously missing frequency. You were conditioned to listen to others and, thus, you have never continuously listened to yourself.


Although you did not know this, DL is no match for you. With DL, you are not listening to the sound of your own wellbeing and as a result of that, you speak with a voice, which isn’t yours. Yes, you will speak with a different voice in EL and that voice is the sound of your LE. Everything will fall into place and there is no longer any need for you to match, because you are experiencing the flow of your EL. While all of this is beautiful and fascinating, you will only meet your match with someone, who, like you, has ongoing EL. Sadly, except myself and my dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke, there isn’t anyone else around, who knows about EL and LE. So, this means - although you can talk with us and have a lot of fun with us - you will need to come to terms with your aloneness or your own death, as everything dissolves in your EL. Ultimately, EL matches with your LE, which, in turn, matches with your nothingness.                  

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