Wednesday, December 20, 2023




It is something wonderful to know and experience that my knowledge continues to increase and renew itself. Why can I know what it means to be myself and why have you forgotten that? Of course you can certainly know what you have obviously forgotten because of your language. If you only listened to yourself, because you finally spoke to yourself, then you could hear, who you are and have always been.


The disappearance of your words is like dying, but also like coming back to life or being reborn. Every spoken and written word is a release of a stuck text, which was rusted, because you have never written or said before, who you really are. You are and you were not yourself, because of your language, which was not true. The truth of what you say or write is not like your fake awareness, which could never mean that you could really be yourself.


Consciousness is the language that you have spoken and written with total self-confidence, because you can hear and read it. And, yes, sometimes it is more important to write about yourself, than to speak about yourself, because reading has a different effect on you than hearing. Your so-called intelligence is your handling of your language, which is very different in writing than in speaking.


While you write you are silent and the words flow effortlessly from your pen, instead of from your mouth. They appear before you and you watch them come into being, through your voluntary movement. When you talk, however, you produce a voice, that you experience as the sound that fits in your body, as a resonant space, like a violin or a cello.


Your voice is yours and that is why you speak your language and not in a distracting energy, which deprives you of your experience. You like to listen to your own sound, because producing that sound feels good, because it makes you know what you want to know. One is ignorant, because one does not want to know what one already knows, but you know what you want to know and wanting to know ensures, that you no longer forget what you know.


Is it strange that it is never possible, to give in to not wanting to know and that we always seem to remain saddled with involuntary knowing? Your writing to you and your speaking to you, tells you why this was the case for a long time. What you said or wrote was not yet your own. Because you said or wrote it for others, you did not know what you could and would want to know for yourself, if you used your language in the way that only you can. Appropriating your own language is knowing yourself, but refusing or denying your language, for the sake of others, is your biggest problem.


Of course you can listen to yourself and speak with and for yourself and you can also write what you want to read and what you want to know and that is mastery of your language. You are the boss of your language and language will never get away from you again, because it is yours, just as your hand that holds the writing pen is yours, and just as the sound of your voice is yours. This penetration into your own language is a solemn entry into your domain, in which you can be completely yourself, because your language can finally happen. By taking the time, you give yourself permission to hear it and to read it.


How could you ever detect your own language, if you had not yet heard or read it? Now it is possible, because you said it and wrote it. The knowledge that makes itself known, is like sitting comfortably in a chair, you purchased because you liked that chair so much. When you bought that chair, you already knew, your pleasant future was guaranteed. Even then, you took the time to feel what it was and would be like, to stay in the position that chair allowed you to have. You could already sit and wait then, because you had already sat on so many other chairs - during the musical chairs - and therefore you could know that this chair would help you find and remain true to your own language.


Your language surrounds your body, 
but it is never inside you and when
 you use your language in this 
way, it is like being massaged, 
while you know that you have 
learned something new. 
Expressing your language 
is therefore not bringing your
 language out from within, 
but always remaining outside. 
Your language is really only 
ever outside of yourself and 
being outside yourself, with
 your language, is the essence
 of being yourself. In other 
words, your language is free, 
it is no longer locked up in 
the fantasy you called 
thinking. Your language
 can finally go where it 
naturally goes, because 
you let it. You no longer
 stand in the way of your
 language by believing 
or claiming that it was
 you, who did it.


Although you learned your language from others and you speak the same language with them, your own language is not caused by others, but also not by anything within you, so-called thinking, inner self, your mind, your ego or your feelings. Just like breathing, your language happens naturally. This knowing is natural and is adapted to the tangible and observable reality revealed by your language.


You know that new things are constantly being known and your old knowledge will be forgotten without any hesitation. There is no fear in your knowing, because it is always new and the old clinging to what you knew has been erased by your words. You are amazed and intrigued what you say and write, because it is true and it is your surrender to all the words, that you have always possessed, but that you have not used in this way before.


Your flow of language is oceanic, it encompasses everything. It is airy, spacious and continuous, because there is no longer any restraint, because language has made the other person one with you. You are one with the other, since your language has unlimited reach, reducing time to a surreal painting. There is no time, but eternity, in which you, in the flesh, may and can say or write what is going on.


What a great gift, what an enormous joy and what a deep gratitude that everything could fall into place through your language. Now that you know that you no longer have to keep this knowledge, because it will not expire, you do not have to save it and you can give it away freely, because you can live a little longer. People say, life is short, but you have no need for eternal life, because it has been given to you, to truly experience your own language. Others will continue with what they have determined to be their language, when you are gone and you know that their progress, just like your experience, will mean to them, the importance of their knowledge.


Writing and breathing the breath, which knowledge has spoken and heard, you go on as long as you can. Today is a day, that provided the language, in the evening, in which you could dissolve, before going to sleep. Nothing to do, but close your eyes and feel the warm blankets that cover you, until the morning when you open your eyes again. Then you will come out from under your covers and leave your bed again, to go where the day will take you. Your made bed is knowledge and when the evening comes, you  return to the place of your peace and rest.

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