Saturday, December 9, 2023




The other day, I heard someone on TV refer to some politician, as a truthteller. There are no politicians, who have Embodied Language (EL). They all have Disembodied Language (DL), as their language never deviates from their party program. There is no truth in DL. To be a truthteller, one has to stop acting like a politician. Stated differently, if want your language to express your truth, you must stop your stupid DL.


Certainly, only someone, who knows about the enormous difference between DL and EL, can be called a truthteller, but there is no need for him or her to be some kind of martyr and risk everything to shed light on the truth. To the contrary, the only way to have ongoing EL, is to enjoy and say your own truth and to radically avoid everyone with DL.


In DL, people are supposedly busy trying to separate the liars from the truthtellers, but we, inadvertently,  remain busy with dumb DL. In EL, however, we are not busy with others at all, as we ourselves are the truthtellers. Everyone who disagrees with us is of no importance to us. As truthtellers, with EL, we are only interested in the EL of other truthtellers, as we  all speak about our Language Enlightenment (LE).


To be a genuine truthteller, one must have EL and to accomplish that, one has to be brave enough to talk out loud with oneself. In effect, to be a truthteller, one must stop speaking with others, in order to be able to start speaking with oneself. Moreover, one’s EL will only continue, if one considers talking with oneself to be more important than talking with others. In other words, the truth-telling is not done for others, but for oneself. The truthteller always enjoys expressing his or her LE – to him or herself – with his or her EL.


The widely spread false notion, that a truthteller is someone, who is telling others the truth, especially about what is really happening in a given situation, is based the assumption, that we ourselves aren’t capable of making that assessment. Surely, it is almost as if these so-called truthtellers, make it no longer necessary for us, to tell our own truth to ourselves, about what is happening, according to us, in any given situation. Our reliance on these people, signifies, we have given up on our own freedom.


I wouldn’t even call myself a truthteller, because my truth is my truth alone and you can’t get your truth from me or someone else. I only referred to myself in that way, to introduce that idiotic term and to make my point about EL and LE. You don’t depend on me or anyone else for your EL and your LE either. This entire history of prophets, visionaries, gurus or enlightened ones, people, who presumably were ahead of their time, has its origins in DL. Once we have EL with each other, we are done listening to the nonsense, we keep telling each other, as we have started to talk with and listen to ourselves.  


Without exception, all the journalists, philosophers, writers, pundits, psychologists, actors, musicians, pod-casters, influencers, priests, models, professors, politicians and news-anchors, who claim to bring us the unvarnished truth, are not in touch with their own truth, which can only be obtained with their EL. The pompous claims of these despicable truthtellers have cost millions of people their lives and none of them were ever held accountable, because the only way in which that can be done is with the EL, which I express in this writing. As I have stated, I am not bothered by it, but everyone with DL certainly is.


I remember from my study in psychology, there are tests, which determine, whether a test-taker is lying, when answering questions. Often these tests are available online. In samples of one test, over time, truthtellers and liars were correctly classified at a rate of 67%, when the topic was constant. Of course, such tests deal with averages, but not with individuals. When we engage in EL, we are no longer fooling ourselves. We know exactly, when we have DL and, therefore, we are 100% correct, each time we are lying or speaking the truth. Psychologists should be interested in EL, but I have yet to hear from any of these so-called mental health experts.


I was the black sheep of my family and as such I was often trying in vain to say what other didn’t or couldn't say. For a long time, I considered myself a truthteller, but it was because, as the oldest son, I had totally failed my father’s expectations – I was in his eyes a waste of his time and energy – and, consequently, I felt rejected or mistreated. My desperate truth-telling was always about my misery, and I don’t see any difference between me or the truth-telling of others, as my DL is as much about my traumatic victimhood, as your DL it is always about your eternal victimhood. DL is the meaningless competition of losers, but in EL, we can finally laugh together about this pathetic truth-telling bullshit.        

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