Saturday, March 11, 2023




You probably cannot believe, that in my extensive writing, I am revealing, that I have written these words solely and exclusively for myself. Perhaps you wonder in amazement, why do I keep talking about you again and again, when I only talk with  myself? While it is of course a question, that you will have to answer for yourself – if you have the guts to ask yourself that question at all – I am very happy to answer that question, which is extremely relevant, as far as I am concerned. I am writing to encourage you, to finally take courage, to really talk to yourself and really listen to yourself.


Of course, you can only really listen to yourself, if you really speak to yourself. That is why it is best to start with this reading and understanding of what must be done. I use that word, must, because there are certain conditions, that need to be met, in order for you to really talk to yourself, so that you actually connect and start listening to yourself.


I've already done my homework and know what I'm talking about. You can easily understand what you are reading, for it deals, in a clear way, with what you have been struggling with for many years. It's about time you acknowledged for yourself, that what you've been trying to change about yourself hasn't worked at all and that you've only made things harder for yourself, instead of easier.


Perhaps it is a comfort to you to realize, that everyone is, more or less, doing the same as you and only creating more, rather than less, problems. It may be a relief to you, to begin by acknowledging, you are just like any other human being in this. Everyone is always busy to change themselves or others and to achieve, in one way or another, more optimal results, but no one seems to want to realize or admit, that they are completely stuck in the illusion of who they believe themselves to be.


Generally speaking, most people prefer to escape  themselves, to forget themselves in their work, in their family, in their studies, in their faith, in their sports, in their distractions or in their so-called passion. However, when this begins to be talked about, only then an improving change takes place, because only then could a different sound be heard.


A different sound can finally be produced by each of us, the moment we let ourselves know, that we have had enough of the martyrdom that we, because of our language, have imposed on ourselves. So, at the same time, we are masochists, since we continue to identify with our own toil and suffering, which are supposedly necessary to achieve what we want, but on the other hand, we are sadists, as we are proud on our ability to put ourselves over our feelings, so that we can continue to control ourselves.


Why are you trapped, in what you keep calling your thinking or your mind, when, of course, you could always talk or write about it, with yourself? You create your own illusion, because you simply cannot do otherwise, with your current understanding of your language. That understanding, of course, comes from previous experiences, which you have never honestly discussed with yourself before.


Nothing just suddenly happens by itself, as far as your handling of your language is concerned. It is not in human nature, to be able to walk, speak or read immediately after birth. The same gradual development takes place with your language. Also being honest and having the courage to admit that you are, to put it bluntly, a chaos and are constantly defined by all your conflicts, obsessions, fears and tensions, is something that can only manifest itself if you have really become wiser through your own  experience.


As long as we have not spoken at length, with full attention, repeatedly to ourselves—rather than to others—we are doomed to repeat what we have done so many times before. No matter how harmful what we have continued to do out of habit, it only stops when we give ourselves the right instructions.


I have experienced all this myself and you too could agree with all this, if you could stick to your own experience, because of your own language. It doesn't matter at all what you call it for yourself. I call it Embodied Language (EL), which liberates us, and Disembodied Language (DL), when we talk about unconscious, automatic, reactive, primitive, insensitive, unintelligent, conditioned behavior.


I have determined for myself – without any approval from others – that the progress of my EL makes, for me, my Language Enlightenment (LE) known. I have also let myself know, that I really know this, even though hardly anyone actually wants to talk about it and learn something about it. I know, however, others cannot know this until they have spoken to themselves in their own language.


This writing is for me an even further release from others, who, as they read this, may come to realize that they are - even only for a brief moment - really with themselves, but have normally always been preoccupied with others. I couldn’t seem to write or say this until now, and yet I'm sure it came from my ignorance. Wonderful, how my ignorance produces knowledge, while that knowledge always remains limited and, therefore, is not experienced, by me, as a prison. On the contrary, my limited knowledge, which is really true, is my liberation, because my language can continue to adjust to the experiences I am having right now, which I couldn’t have before. My language, so to speak, is up to date or rather, timeless, because everything dissolves in my LE.


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