Saturday, March 25, 2023




Our way of using language always has an outcome, which is orderly or not. Simply stated, our Embodied Language (EL) is the verbal behavior, which creates and maintains order and, therefore, peace, but our Disembodied Language (DL), creates and maintains disorder and, therefore, chaos. I delight about the beautiful, fascinating, foundational fact, that my EL reveals my Language Enlightenment (LE), because, like a mathematician, I recognize, I have to follow an order of operations, to get to the correct answer. When my answer checks, I have used my language correctly, but when the outcome of my actions results in something I don’t like or want, I must have done something wrong, I must have been telling myself something, which simply wasn’t true.


The order of operations, is a collection of rules that reflect conventions about which procedures to perform first, in order to to evaluate a given mathematical expression. Of course, mathematics is a language, but, with EL, we view our language in a mathematical or scientific manner. Without order our language would be utterly meaningless. When we, finally, rationally, realistically, consider our usual way of dealing with our own language, by listening to ourselves while we speak and by engaging in EL, instead of DL, we come to the inevitable conclusion, that we have been using our language incorrectly.


Similarly to the order of operations in mathematics, certain things have to be done first, in our language, before we are able to proceed to other things, that is, to other behaviors, which are, whether we know it or not or are aware of it or not, determined by our language. In college algebra class 101, we should have already learned, that multiplication is granted higher precedence than addition. For instance, the simple algebraic expression 1+2x3, is interpreted to have the value 1+ (2x3)=7, but not, (1+2) x3=9. Clearly, 2x3 must happen first, before we can add 6+1. If we would add 1+2=3 first and only then multiply 3x3=9, we would get a wrong answer.


Analogously to mathematics, we would say in EL, that paying attention to our individual experience, by listening to ourself while we speak, has to come first, to be able to make sense of what is happening to us, in our lives and only, after that, does it add up. We can, of course, only listen to ourselves, if we would first speak with ourselves. In mathematics, this can be compared to use of exponents, which are given precedence over both addition as well as multiplication. If you try to solve 3 + 52 you will have to do 3 +(5x5)= 28, but not (3+5)x8=64 and to solve 3 × 52 you must do 3x(5x5)=75, not (3x5)x15= 225.


Just like in mathematics, in our use of language, it is also absolutely necessary, to override precedence conventions or to simply be able to emphasize them. For example with (2 + 3) × 4 = 20 addition must precede multiplication, while (3 + 5)2 = 64 forces addition to exponentiation. Surely, to create order, mathematics, science and thus, the order of operations, must also be applied to our language.


There is a great difference between not wanting to hear someone and knowing the difference between DL and EL. When we don’t want to listen to what someone is saying and try to ignore them or shut them up, we engage in DL, but if we acknowledge the different results of DL and EL, we prefer EL. Our ability to recognize DL for what it is, makes us less likely to participate in it, which is not the same as being against it. Being against DL, is as stupid as engaging in it, as it means, we are involved in it. In EL, we are not against DL, as we no longer waste our time and energy on it. If we know the difference between the way of dealing with language from how we were conditioned and the way of dealing with language, we became aware of due to our ongoing EL, we only want to continue with our EL. This happens effortlessly and naturally, all by itself.  


We can only know, that DL is DL and EL is EL and recognize, that DL is DL and EL is EL, by having EL and by continuing with EL. I find myself happily amazed by how my life and, really, all my other behavior, has changed for the better. Initially, after discovering EL, I strongly felt like rejecting DL, but this is no longer the case. I don’t judge DL, but simply deal with it, as it is. To me, DL is detrimental and, therefore, I try to stay away from it as much as I possibly can. While I’m writing this, I’m impressed by my own ability – which certainly wasn’t always there – to stay away from DL, although, of course, like everyone else, I am surrounded by it, every day.


I don’t feel as affected by DL anymore in the way that I used to, since I can now stay with my own EL, but I admit, this wasn’t until recently the case. My EL has given me both a sense of protection and boundaries, which have stabilized my awareness of who I am. Since my EL pertains to being sensitive, verbal and intimate with myself, it has made me more rational and understanding about how I want to live my life. To me, EL is about my core values, which are apparent and, therefore, guaranteed.


What I wanted to say this morning, is not what I want to say in the afternoon or in the evening. Each moment of the day, I want to say something else and I really like to find out what it is, because unless I say it or write it, I don’t know, I can’t know, what it is. People say, they are waiting for inspiration, but I never do that, as I say and write what is going on with me. My experience is in a constant flux and I  love my ability to capture this with my language.


My EL makes it possible to always be true to my own experience. I live, to express my way of life with my EL. That is what I do. For me, EL and it’s inevitable positive result, my LE, takes the place of what people with DL refer to as religion, spirituality, psychology, philosophy, reason, morality, truth or reality. Not so much my actions are important, but the consequences of my actions. Most people keep having DL, because they don’t realize, everything that happens in their life, is determined by it. In DL, people believe they should have DL. According to them, it results in good outcomes. However, they have been deluded and they fool themselves into believing, that their way of dealing with language is worth their while. The fact is, that they have never looked into it. Actually, since EL is about listening to ourselves while we speak, they have never listened into it. If they would speak with themselves, they would, like me, find out, the results of their usual way of talking – DL – sets the stage for the conflicted way they live their lives: they sacrifice everything, to hang on to their superstitions. Their DL can only come to an end, if they can begin to acknowledge the terrible outcomes it creates. With DL, we create our own living hell, but with EL, we create our own heaven: LE is an orderly way of life.

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