Thursday, March 2, 2023




If you are looking for fancy explanations, my words are not for you, but if you happen to read this blog, you might as well ask yourself: why do I even read this? What am I trying to get out of someone else’s words? Am I not reading, because I hope to find out about something, which I didn’t know? Isn’t it true, I miss something in myself, but I don’t know what it is, that’s why I keep doing, what I’ve always been doing, but I’m becoming more and more afraid, I’ll never find out about myself, who I really am?


Let’s face it and let’s hear it – as you can imagine, you are the one, who is saying what you are reading to yourself – when you’ve reached my text, you must be, in one way or another, at the end your line. Yes, you are already frustrated, disappointed, confused and disgusted by Disembodied Language (DL). Something tells you (it wasn’t me), that I am right, to insist on listening to yourself, instead of to others, so you can have Embodied Language (EL), with yourself. Yes, you are in the right place: I’m talking about listening to yourself, while you speak.


To be clear, I’m not talking about something sacred, something religious, something spiritual, something holy or something profound. I’m also not writing about meditation. Why do I, specifically mention to you, I’m not talking about any of that? It is because  lofty bullshit has forever perpetuated your DL and, therefore, prevented you from having EL. You can’t have EL, as long as you still continue with DL. I don’t see any purpose for any of your prayers, your rituals or your so-called higher self, as it only distracts you from who you are. Go somewhere else, if you want to be entertained with that, because I’m not into it.


My words express a different reality, than the one you are used to. Even if you consider yourself to be an educated, atheistic, agnostic person, you remain busy with the words of others, as you don’t have a genuine connection or relationship with your own language. With EL, you would go to your Language Enlightenment (LE), immediately, effortlessly and naturally. Who cares about Buddhist, Mindfulness, Transcendental, Visualization, Mantra, Breathing, Zen, Guided or Compassion Meditation, when you can simply talk your way into your enlightenment?


If you have any awareness at all, you’ll feel the need to go beyond your usual miserable, chaotic, phony, conflicted, stressful, meaningless reality. It is up to you to take these steps. First, you must identify and stop your own DL. Second, you become aware of your own EL – as your EL can only occur, once your DL has been stopped – first alone, by talking aloud with yourself and then by having it with others, who have done the same as you did and also stopped their own DL. Third, with ongoing EL, you’ll realize your LE. All the gurus and mystics have prohibited you from getting involved into your own language.


Historically, anyone, considered to be enlightened, has told us to go beyond our thinking, but the fact, they speak about and refer to the mind, shows, they have no understanding at all about EL, let alone, LE.  Their stupid anti-language-enlightenment has only promoted more, not less DL, and consequently,  could never produce any EL. The essence of DL is: nobody is paying attention to how we deal with our own language. Astonishingly, even in academia or in science, nobody is able to speak and write clearly about EL. Talking with DL about DL, is all they are capable of. It is no exaggeration to say, everyone is under-performing, as this blatant lack of verbal skill is ubiquitous. In absence of any real knowledge about EL, all anyone can do, is assume and pretend to have better DL than others. However, DL is DL and, therefore, we keep hearing more of the same.


EL cannot happen, if DL hasn’t been stopped. Why is nobody talking about stopping DL, like I do? We keep talking about stopping all sorts of undesirable behaviors, but never about stopping our DL, which gives rise to these behaviors and keeps them going. We talk about and pay lip-service to improving our communication, but have remained unaware about the difference between DL and EL. Thus, DL occurs  everywhere, totally unnoticed and unaddressed.  


In EL, we are free, but in DL, we are predetermined by our conditioning history. So, the question is: are you going to stop your conditioning? Nothing else matters. Surely, you can continue with your DL, as you have always done, but what would happen, if you didn’t do what you usually do? Just do it and find out and hear what happens. Let yourself know, you can stop your usual behavior and explore what will then occur. If you don’t do what you usually do, you are not trying to speak differently. It happens, you are saying something new, when it is possible.


Stopping with your DL is not about editing, judging or criticizing yourself. You speak how you speak, but you hear your own sound, while speak and, then, suddenly, you notice, you no longer repeat what you have said before. Ironically, when you hear yourself, your words matter more, because they don’t matter. Your words are always the same and there is no problem with that, because you can only have the words that you know, but your new way of talking is so blissful, truthful and coherent. You feel amazed, proud and energized this is you, as you can be sensitive, intelligent and in control of yourself. If you hear yourself saying this, you are enlightened and your EL expresses it. You recognize, you have always been this way, but only just now, you say it.  

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