Tuesday, March 28, 2023




My first point is, I have slept very well. I feel rested and having good sleep is something I value greatly. It is clear to me, the less Disembodied Language (DL) and the more Embodied Language (EL) I have, the better my sleep has become. My sleep has been getting better and better over time because of how I deal with my language. I find that worth celebrating.


Second, it is raining very hard and I love the rain. Most people hate it, because here in Chico we are used to hot weather. Everything is green and the whole place looks and smells different. We haven’t had any rain for so long and now it has been raining for weeks on end. The fields are full of flowers.


Third, my Language Enlightenment (LE) is shining through in everything I do. I have amazing energy. When I come home from work, it is so nice to rest and relax. The combination of work and rest is also something, which suits me well. I am happy when I use my energy productively. I get a lot of work done.


Fourth, I am a simple person, but everyone seems so complicated and obsessed with problems. I don’t feel like being with most people, as I don’t have any problems. I don’t want any problems. Staying away from others doesn’t make me feel bad, but good. It doesn’t bother me, that people don’t believe me.


Fifth, I felt like only writing ten points today. I like to keep it short, to see what I come up with if I try to be brief. I enjoy to elaborate, but I also like to get to the point. Brevity is overrated, as there is a taboo on any kind of thorough approach. Our lack of time makes everyone superficial and unintelligent.


Sixth, you could have written this, but you should feel lucky to read this. You can still write something like this and when you do, you will do yourself a big favor. Writing can set the stage for a different way of speaking, but only if this writing is about speaking and listening to your sound while you speak. I know you don’t that, but you could let yourself know with your writing, that it is true what I have written here.


Seventh, I throw these words out there, because I can and I feel good about doing that. It is my thing. I hope you read them, but if you don’t, I have had the great pleasure of writing them. These words are for me. If they matter to you, they must matter because your words matter to you, just like these words do.  


Eight, I write my own texts to already existing songs, which I can play on my ukulele. Today, I played and sang my version of “Somewhere over the rainbow”.  I had written this song already quite some time ago and, since I like it so much, I had sang it more than  my other songs, but today, I sang it in a way, I never sang it before. I always sing about my EL and my LE.


Nine, since I put myself to the task of writing ten points, coming to number nine, I have arrived at a sense of completion. I am almost done, but it is no big deal to me. I just write what I am able to write and what I want to write and that is so satisfying. I  will write one more and then I’ll be done and I now also experience a sense a preparedness for the day.


Ten, I did what I set out to do, with words, with EL. This is what I always do and it never bores me. To the contrary, just when it seems to get more of the same, I achieve a new understanding about myself. Surely, EL is about self-knowledge and my LE is my always evolving and increasing self-knowledge. I don’t know everything, but I certainly know enough.   

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