Wednesday, March 8, 2023




Of course, there is an explanation for the fact, that at the moment, there are suddenly so many boys, who believe they are female and women, who believe they are male. One can argue, that it has to do with the social pressure, that individuals of that young age group simply exert on each other, but that does not really explain the true cause and so it remains for most so-called cis-gender people a great mystery, why this craze is spreading worldwide.


The transgender trend, like any other political, spiritual, cultural, social, economic, psychological trend, obviously has to do with how people talk to each other. Even though this is never properly explained, it is the inevitable reaction, of many young people, to the usual loveless way of talking, which is, so to speak, as old as the world.


Simply put, each previous generation has had its own form of reactivity and criticism of society, supposedly changing and, as many would have themselves and others believe, improving it. However, nothing could be further from the truth, because awareness about our habitual, demanding, insensitive, mechanical way of talking has been pushed even further into the background by all the arguments and struggles for power than before.


We are not at all aware, that our conventional way of speaking – and therefore also our listening, our writing, our reading and what we call our thinking – is characterized by dissociation. Nevertheless, how we deal with language is entirely determined by how we talk.


Not even the brightest minds pay any attention to the hitherto undiscussed and thus increasingly urgent fact, that all over the world, in every community and in every language, people speak exactly the same way. Even though this global, traditional way of speaking has killed millions, no one has ever really cared about it, because we don't listen to ourselves when we speak. And so, in the common conversations which are going on everywhere, only the listeners listen to the speaker, but the speaker himself or herself never listens to him or herself.


Even though everyone, in the most ideal situation, has at least received some love and attention from their parents as a child, no one has been able to teach their child listening speech, because the huge difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and Embodied Language (EL), for all our thousands of wars and conflicts, has never become clear.  Whether we talk about hippies, transgender people or believers in transendental meditation or Scientology, it was and always is about our justified dissatisfaction with DL.


Throughout history, people have unknowingly, endlessly, dominated, exploited and cheated each other by claiming - even if not saying so - that they had the solution to all the misery caused by DL. Involuntarily, we make each other believe and – despite all our failed attempts – we give each other hope again, that human suffering really could come to an end.


At best, transgenderism provides a moment of EL, but the inevitable emphasis placed on language and on all sorts of new terms (cis, queer, bisexuality, transsexuality, etc.), does nothing, as far as the cessation of conditioning with DL. To the contrary, in DL we have always remained fixated and obsessed with what we say, but also busy with others and therefore engaged in a struggle.


From the point of view of the possibility and necessity, of actually stepping out of DL's course - and thus not just experiencing a brief, chance and awkward moment of EL, but to continue with it, skillfully and happily - it is quite remarkable, that gender-dysphoria is characterized by a feeling of dissatisfaction with our bodies. In EL, we are addressing the real cause of dysphoria and naturally parents should teach this to their children.


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