Monday, May 15, 2023




As you will discover, your Embodied Language (EL) is a complete break with your past. What was once very important, simply no longer matters. However, this only concerns your negative experiences, as your positive past experiences have brought you where you are today. Your negative experiences didn’t produce anything of value and you are glad, you no longer pretend, they have any meaning.


The big lie, perpetuated by Disembodied Language (DL) is this: presumably, our suffering is good for something. It wasn’t and our misery could have been stopped much earlier, if we would have been honest with ourselves. Another aspect of the crazy tenacity with which we maintain the idea, that if it doesn’t kill you, it only makes you stronger, is the fact, that we become more insensitive and callous, due to our conflicts, as we don’t use our language in a non-reactive manner. Our whole notion of being ourselves or of wanting to be ourselves, is a result of our social impairment and so, we lie to ourselves, because we lie to each other. It is never because we lie to ourselves, that we lie to each other. We parrot this fallacy, because we have endlessly blamed the individual for all that’s wrong in society, but we’ve never questioned the collective, our so-called group-think, which goes on in the name of politics, religion, ethnicity, gender, science, sport or art.


There are no such things as thoughts, as there are only words, which are spoken, written, listened to and read. In reality, this cultural group-think, is how we actually talk, listen to and, subsequently, write, read and believe to understand. The Bible, Tora, Gita or Koran, are good examples of this, but, of course, also all our great best-sellers of the world-literature, are nothing but the products of our involvement in DL and our inability to have EL. It has never been said, but I say it and everyone, who comes to know EL, will say it too: we keep having DL, because it is socially reinforced in our spoken and in our written conversation. The latter, of course, never was a conversation anyway, as we took to writing, in the same way, as I took to this writing, in an attempt to still, supposedly, say what, supposedly, could not be said, in real time. This writing is different from any other writing, as it isn’t based on what I couldn’t say to you, but on what I can say and have said to you.


Rather than being a figment of my imagination, to please some hopefully appreciative audience, I am my own appreciative, real, audience and I write for myself. Instead of competing for the socially reinforcing effects of being a famous author, I’m familiar with and into self-reinforcing consequences of using language to benefit me, as an individual. The fact, that most people don’t want to consider my work, signifies the insanity of DL, which silences and ignores anyone, who attempts to address it. This has nothing to do with me personally, as it is the history of mankind. We have always punished and killed individuals, who didn’t adhere to what the group demanded from its members. Surely, their non-compliance, reactivity,  disobedience and martyrdom, has never resulted in the discovery and continuation of EL. It couldn’t. To the contrary, in the name of some utopia, it always resulted in obsessive, dogmatic, unnatural, forceful behavior, which basically destroyed everything that was good.


Regardless of whether our so-called values derive from capitalism, nationalism, communism or any other ism, we have, unknowingly, continued with our DL and made it impossible to have EL, although it is the natural thing to do. In effect, everywhere in the world, our way of using language is effortful and, therefore, producing superficial lives, which are, at best, based on trying to live as best we can,  with how we actually deal with our language. As stated, we have never been able to properly deal with our language and unless we do that, all our efforts are in vain. There is on other way, than to recognize our DL for what it is and has always been: a total catastrophe. If we don’t do that, things keep getting more and more intense and escalate, as they have always done, into war, chaos and destruction.


I understand, why my discovery isn’t embraced by any established institution: our verbal task is not concerning others, but concerning ourselves, as individuals. Once we embark on our ability to have ongoing EL – by ourselves – it cannot be denied, we could have ongoing EL with others, but our ability to continue our individual exploration of EL, depends on the social reinforcement of others, who, like us, also safely and joyously explored it on their own.


As you calmly read these words out loud, you can have EL, just like that, alone with yourself, because these words will remind you, that it is possible and necessary. However, you will not continue to have EL by yourself and you will not be experiencing the continuation of its positive outcomes, if you do not have any EL with others. This has always been the problem. We have always made it more important, to have, what we believed to be EL with others, rather than with ourselves. In DL, talking with others is more important than talking with ourselves, but in EL, the opposite is true. The social reinforcement of ongoing EL is a function of its self-reinforcing effects. Unless we enjoy our EL by ourselves, with ourselves first, we will not be able to have it with others, who did exactly as we did. This return to our natural way of being, will be facilitated by our own language, as it was our language, which took us away from who we have always been. Our Language Enlightenment (LE) therefore, is our conversation with others, who are able to have EL with us and our DL has nothing to do with one or the other.   



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