Thursday, May 25, 2023




For those who don't know the difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and Embodied Language (EL), it is unbelievable that EL is a way of dealing with our language in a permanently novel manner. The beautiful, poetic sentences that can be created by us in EL are effortlessly, attentively and joyfully produced, and immediately evoke a sense of fulfillment and stillness. Precisely because DL is going on everywhere and always inevitably has even more disastrous consequences, it is such a great relief to have EL and to finally allow it.


I am convinced that the sound of our own embodied natural speaking voice is the very best stimulus to activate our own brain. EL also has an effect on our breathing, which becomes deeper and more regular. We breathe shallowly in DL or literally hold our breath, because we can't, shouldn't, dare not or won't say what we can say. It is not – as put it – that in DL we keep our words inside of us and have an inner dialogue with ourselves, but it is true, we cannot express ourselves verbally, what we are in principle capable of. In other words, in DL, we are constantly limiting and canceling our language and not using our own intelligence. Of course, we are harming ourselves by doing this.


When two people have EL with each other, there is an audible and noticeable newness, as we can flow together with our words and the more people participate in this creative process, the more powerfully the flow of our attention, love and clarity absorbs and dissolves everything that ever bothered us. Nothing remains of our old selves, in the magic fire of our Language Enlightenment (LE).

Although we can put words to it with our EL, it is our LE, which, like a wildfire, sets everyone on fire. People often wonder, helplessly, distraught and hopelessly, what they should do about their problems – which seem to be increasing because we don't really know what to do about them – because DL prevents us from listening to ourselves. The solution always comes from ourselves and not from someone else. Absolutely nothing is achieved at all, by the so-called spreading of awareness or the right information.


When I organized weekly evenings, at my home, some twenty-five years ago, during which we, in a small group, patiently and calmly, explored our EL – the language that creates space – I was still against writing about my EL, because I felt, that speaking and listening to the sound of our own voice, is the only way is to have and understand EL. This is as true now, as it was back then. I was then against writing about EL, because I still considered writing – from my own conditioning with DL – as writing to or for others. Now that is no longer the case. This writing is therefore all for myself, even if you can read it.


It's wonderful, interesting and exciting to be able to write about my LE with my EL, as it benefits all my other behavior. I experience deep gratitude and  inspiration, when I read the ever-unfolding,  miraculous texts from my dear friend, AnnaMieke, the woman with whom I started discovering, discussing and describing LE. It is so wonderful that it has come about, that we can undertake this journey together, because we have continued to go our own way. There is no leader or follower in EL.


Our own way of dealing with 
language is a form of receptivity,
 that has never been mapped 
verbally before. Unnoticed, 
from our old habit with DL, we
 have always pretended that this
 surrender and openness had 
nothing to do with our language
 at all. It is believed, so to speak, 
that our consciousness is 
something beyond words and
 therefore has nothing to do 
with our so-called thinking. 
In EL, however, we find, what
 we call thinking in DL
 - and what has been considered 
as an inner process - is nothing
 more than how we deal with 
our language and that EL is 
always said, heard, written, 
because we are 100% sure 
that our language is never inside of us.


With DL, one religiously believes, one is one who thinks and this illusion, like any other superstition, has many ill effects, for we never get to know or be ourselves with DL, since our language is based on the same kind of lie, as if the earth were flat or that diseases were caused by evil spirits. So, to be clear, no one thinks at all and in EL, we boldly say this and we realize this. There is, of course, what we do or don't do with our language. Surely, there is a lot wrong with what we do with language, but it is also  important that with EL we are able to pay attention to whatever asks our attention, as this shows us the things we haven’t done, but still can and must do.


It doesn't matter during EL 
whether we speak or write 
about something we hear, see,
 experience, remember or 
something that somehow 
catches our attention right 
now this moment. The shift
 of our attention determines 
whether our EL can continue
 or is stopped. If we get carried 
away by words, our EL soon 
ends and we go back to DL 
again. In DL, what we say is
 always more important than
 how we say it and so we limit
 ourselves in our language 
because we are verbally fixated. 
Only by hearing the resonant, 
embodied sound of our own 
voice can we permanently free 
ourselves from our language. 
Our own sound immediately 
lets us know that we are 
experiencing positive energy,
 which makes new descriptions
 and experiences possible.


We can handle our language much more effectively,  if we don't adopt a preconceived notion of how we should use it. However, much has been imposed on us with DL and therefore we impose on ourselves and on each other again what was once imposed on us. This went on for generations and everyone is in the same boat. We don't impose anything on ourselves in EL and that's why we can finally fully admit to the big difference between DL and EL. In DL, we repeat ourselves and force others to join us in our repetition, with our belief, in our reality.


In DL, we remain unconsciously tied to all our old descriptions of who we supposedly think we are, and so our identity is the real cause of virtually all of our problems. Science is literally nothing but having the right language about our own experiences and observations. Observing our own use of language requires us to listen to ourselves. DL is unscientific, because we keep listening, not to ourselves, but to others and distort everything with our language. Science also includes self-knowledge. If we can't be happy, content, lively, and serious, then what we presume to know about ourselves is worthless. DL does not allow us to experience what we experience and even though we experience it, we do not have the right words for it. Only when we describe our LE to ourselves with our EL, do we gain access to our own intelligence through our own experience.


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