Thursday, May 4, 2023




In Embodied Language (EL), we can go on laughing, but in Disembodied Language (DL), we lose our laughter. We are so accustomed to DL that we just keep busy, unnoticed, to start laughing and it never really crosses our mind to continue with it. Can you imagine that we not only laugh a little bit now and then, but that we stay in it, so to speak? Can we take laughter further than we have until now? 


Even though all our other problems are, supposedly, of much greater importance, our small amount of is of course a big problem in itself. Yes, even a tiny bit  laughter is very rare, regular laughter is almost unheard of, but laughing incessantly is not for narrow-minded, dull-witted cowards, who dare not lose themselves in laughter, because constant laughter means that you really disappear or cease to be, who you were or thought you were.


Laughter is a poignant, profound thing. In general, we are very cunning and underhanded about it. It plays a very necessary role in the process of DL  withdrawal, our usual humorless way of dealing with language. There is no frankness whatsoever in DL. Crying is closer to us than laughing, because it is naturally sad that we, unconsciously, day in and day out, surrender to stupid DL. To continue laughing, there will first have to be quite a bit of crying.


Ongoing laughter is not innate, but can only come about when you are literally sick and tired of playing the so-called smart, last-laughing third person. You are not educating yourself by pretending that you are above the usual conflict, because you know how to profit from the outcome. If you want to laugh, you can't remain an outsider.

You may get a momentary fit of laughter or burst into laughter, but it's definitely not, even if you say so, real laughter. You laugh, because you're not really happy, like a peasant with a toothache. In order not to look like a monkey, you pretend that you would have laughed like a monkey, but in the sad reality of DL, you laughed unhappily and loudly.


Because you actually know that you have been damaged, you do not want to remain in a dent. It's because of your fear you pee your pants laughing. It's disastrous you don't notice that, because of your DL, you say you can have fun with it, your misery,  again. You don't really have fun when you get the giggles again, because you never really change.


Only with EL does fortune smile on you, for it is your true nature that causes the laughter and not some stupid joke. This is what I want to say, with my EL, to anyone who is trying to be funny by talking nonsense: don't try to make me laugh. I  dislike all attention-demanding entertainment, but I'm completely blown away if I can have EL with anyone, because we know this is always going to go on. We stay in it, as we realize our conditioning history with DL is just ridiculous and ludicrous. Our Language Enlightenment (LE) not only allows our EL to continue effortlessly, but also our laughter and we therefore always have all the laughers on our side. And, laughing is healthy.


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