Thursday, May 11, 2023




Two enlightened people were talking about how much enlightenment has changed for them, since they first came to know about it, because of their discovery and exploration of Embodied Language (EL). One of them – you could say – was more of a rational, masculine type and the other was more of a feminine, poetic type. Actually, the former was a man, whose Language Enlightenment (LE) had made him capable of talking freely about, how great it actually is, to be in touch with his feelings and the latter was a woman, whose LE made her recognize, her verbalizations mattered more and more to her, now that her EL was about her LE. In effect, emotion as well as reason created a dynamic conversation, with a lot of laughter. This is what they said.


How have you been doing? I’m not doing anything, life just happens by itself. Where is everybody? They don’t want to be here. They don’t want to be with a nobody. With two nobody’s. It’s too much for them, too overwhelming for their egos. I guess, their Disembodied Language (DL) is more important to them? Yeah, they want to be somebody and they can’t stand being a nobody. It isn’t my problem. It isn’t my problem either. They don’t know, but it is their problem. It is, but, since only we know, that it is their problem, it tends to become our problem. No way. Let them have it. It’s good for them.


I suck at problems. Me too, I keep forgetting what the problem was about. It used to be DL. Seems like such a long time ago. It used to piss me off. Actually you were funny, when you are angry. Thank you for reminding me, I always loved my anger. Yes, and I loved my sob-story better than others. You have no problem with it. No, but others do. Knowing what we know is a problem for others, but not for us.


I used to feel so bad, that others considered me to be the problem, but now I enjoy being a problem for them. So nice to leave the problem unresolved. Yes, ignoring it really works for me. Talking about problems never solved anything. Well, in our case, we got somewhere, as EL made us realize, we didn’t get anything out of DL. Amazing how our failure has  become our success. Nobody wants to hear that, but it is true. Everybody gets it upside down and inside out. Funny, how things are not what people believe them to be. Yes, people believe, if they try harder, things will improve, but they only get worse. Ain’t that the truth. Hallelujah, I gave up trying.


We agree, but nobody agrees with us, because they don’t notice, they aren’t objective. They are biased because they believe to be somebody. Only nobody can be impartial. Correct, to be scientific, you must leave your subjective shit out of it. Yes, don’t be such a hot-shot, to know, you have to be humble and admit, sometimes, you just stumble or mumble. Love it, when you do that, you are at your best. Always so great to see you and hear you. Same here, finally someone who gets it. Self-knowledge isn’t about listening to us, but to yourself. Such a taboo, because if you do, you will disappear. That’s what happens. Nothing can stop that. Not even the false belief of who people believe to be. It is such a tragedy. Yes, there’s no joy in that, no melody.


They always change the subject. That is what they do, these subjectivity-admirers. They suck all the energy out of the room and they have bad breath. It is so suffocating, to talk with any of them. They are all the same. Yes, they all want attention and when they get it, they don’t know what to do with it. Yes, they don’t want to talk about themselves. It would show how impossible it is, to keep their pretentious act together. We don’t have that problem. No, we don’t. Our act is a hard act to follow, as we can’t be followed, because we aren’t acting. And they are caught in the act of trying to be someone they are not. Regardless who they try to be, they are not it.


It is so reasonable to be a nobody. Yes, it doesn’t depend on me or you, that one and one is two. We only agree if, we are one, by being nobody. Nobody  seems to have any problem with being a nobody in their sleep. We can also be nobody while awake and while we talk, otherwise we cannot live without any problems. Yes, being somebody or being supposedly awake, you have nothing but problems. We need to go asleep while we speak. It’s such a big drag to be somebody. These drama queens always turn out to be emperors without clothes. Innocence is known only by someone, who is mature and balanced.


Was there anything else? Yes, nothingness is the ultimate source of knowledge and people keep believing, they can acquire it by studying, praying or meditating. It has nothing to do with that, we know because we talk out loud with ourselves. Yes, no one home, when you’re alone. That’s what coming home is all about and having the whole house to yourself. Let your language do some spring cleaning.         

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