Sunday, May 7, 2023




I am not supposed to say this, but I am absolutely brilliant. Nobody with Disembodied Language (DL) can recognize me and those very few people, who, occasionally, have some Embodied Language (EL) with me, are still too unfamiliar with it, to be able to fully acknowledge, that EL is their own wisdom.


At best, people continue to sit on the fence, even while they give EL a shot, but, basically, they short shrift themselves, as they are holding back. They never fully immerse themselves into their Language Enlightenment (LE) with EL. I looked up the antique phrase, short shrift, and found, that a priest, in a confession, often when a confessor was near to death, would shrive him or her, by imposing a penance, called a shrift, in order to provide absolution. The presumed importance of someone’s final words, in some weird way signifies, that in spite of a whole life being wasted on unconscious DL, one can supposedly still atone or repair oneself, at the very last moment. However, this is, of course,  religious nonsense, as it is too little and too late.


I am suddenly reminded of the aphorism: there are no atheists in fox holes, which suggests, that times of extreme stress or fear can prompt a belief in a higher power. Fearing his death, a soldier – in a hole, with bullets flying over his head – prays, regardless of whether he believes in God or not. However, this is not how EL works. First of all, EL is not a belief. Secondly, it only occurs under the right non-threatening circumstances. Thirdly, our verbal violence, our DL, must be stopped by us, ourselves.      


People are afraid for the irreversible transformation and the sense of responsibility and commitment to themselves, which occurs, once they transition from DL to EL, as it is just too confronting, too strange and, yes, too new. The challenge – to hear where our EL will be taking us – remains and the longer it takes for anyone to supposedly get ready, to make up their so-called mind, about what EL really means, the less likely, they will ever get truly involved in it.


Postponement is not merely a defense against the irrefutable power and brilliance of our own EL, but also an excuse or justification for our mechanical DL as well as a tendency to remain complacent about our horrific history of conditioning. Due to some  common cause – always defined by our language – we believe we have as a group, we lazily abscond our responsibility, by verbally hiding who we are.


I have never used that word, abscond, although I have known it for years. It means: to leave hurriedly and secretively, typically to avoid detection of or arrest for an unlawful action such as theft. This terms perfectly fits with DL – our usual way of talking – which we try to escape from, as fast and as soon as we can, if it begins to become clear to us, we are stealing each other’s attention and energy.


Once we only dare to suspect as much, the great difference between our DL and EL, we know what we have always known, but never admitted: in the name of our so-called interaction with each other, we have endlessly committed immoral, abusive acts. Since immoral behavior is considered as acts, which are in conflict with generally or traditionally held principles, we view DL as moral, because everyone does it. Moreover, EL seems like an extreme or an outlier, as it completely refutes what we believed in.


There is no middle ground between DL and EL, we either have one or the other. People keep saying, there are no absolutes, because there are absolutes and they are too unwilling, too superstitious and too ignorant to acknowledge them. While we keep busy with DL, we reject EL as immoral, self-centered, evil, sinful, unethical and unsavory, as it debunks our apparent agreement – due to the way in which we deal with our language – to remain unconscious about ourselves and our so-called true potential.  


Another aspect of not being allowed to relish in our own intellectual abilities, is, of course, the fact that we are not allowed to love ourselves and, therefore, deeply care about who we are, what we are doing,  why we are doing what we are doing and express this to ourselves. In DL, we do the opposite, we only pretend to love ourselves and that is why we keep imposing our language on ourselves. In other words, we always try to fit in and use language, to acquire social reinforcement, but remain judgmental about self-reinforcement, about stuff we prefer, because it comes natural to us. In DL, we get verbally bend out of shape and all worked up, as we fixate on what we say, but experience of language is not getting any of our attention and, consequently, that is why it is so tempting to believe, we have thoughts or a mind.  


Probably, nobody has ever said this, but to me, it is morally offensive, to falsely assume we have a mind. Everything goes downhill from that religiously held conviction. How do I view what others keep calling their mind? In DL, we don’t speak, in order to be able to hear what we have to say to ourselves. I see  memory as my use of language and, yes, only what is expressed by my EL, can get my full attention, as in DL, we are scattered, distracted and conflicted.


Language, which could be expressed, but isn’t used, because of DL’s self-imposed restrictions, becomes a form of clutter, obsession or hoarding, as there is no opportunity to make use of our intelligence. We say that our mind is a complex set of elements, which supposedly contains what we feel, perceive, will or reason, but there are only these words, there is only our language, which absolutely, with 100% certainty, cannot be found inside of us, in our brains. Without language, there are no experiences to talk about.


What is my intention other than these audible or visible words? How can anyone change his or her mind, without letting someone know, by saying or writing it. What is your priority, your opinion or your feeling, without having words for it? Why do we have laws or a constitution? Isn’t that, to somehow, however imperfect, assure that we can be on the same page? When you find my writings or what I talk about too difficult, as it presumably makes you think and use your mind, when you don’t care about what I say or write, you don’t want to talk with me or read what I have written. It is as simple as that.


If I say, I don’t mind staying home, I say it. When I tell you to mind your head, to avoid bumping into a low hanging branch, I say it. When I say, I hope you don’t mind having a real conversation with me, I say we can have EL instead of DL, we can talk with our EL about our DL, because we can never talk with our DL about our EL. In DL, our so-called mind, our attention, is never with our language, because we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak. Our EL is brilliant, marvelous, radiant and enlightening.                       

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