Tuesday, May 2, 2023




There is not very much to laugh about anymore with anyone, these days, so if you want to laugh, you’d be better off, if you did like me and laugh about yourself. Actually, there is also not very much to talk about with anyone, anymore these days and, you’d be better off, if you did like me and talk with yourself. If you would talk with yourself, you would kill two birds with one stone: you would laugh about what you couldn’t talk about with others, because you can always talk with yourself and you would laugh by yourself, as you couldn’t laugh with others. Nobody realizes laughing alone is underappreciated, while the effects of laughing about others, are highly overrated and exaggerated. By yourself, you can laugh much easier and more than about others.


Laughing about your yourself, goes hand in hand with laughing alone, but laughing about others, doesn’t necessarily involve laughing about yourself. Most likely, laughing with others, is laughing about others and not laughing about yourself. As soon as laughing with others, turns into laughing about ourselves, the laughter – with others – for most people, is over, as the joke, so to speak, is on us.


Let’s not beat around the bush: you want to have phony laughter about others – not real laughter with others – because you don’t want to laugh about your own stupidity and misery. Really laughing with others,  always involves really laughing with yourself, but the  totally lame and all too common laughter – about others – prevents you from laughing with others.


If someone makes an unnecessary mistake, we may be inclined to say, that he or she never thought it through, but the never before, properly addressed, taboo fact –  about your miserly laughter – is: you never laughed it through, that the joke is on you.


The question arises: how do I or someone else, get you to laugh about yourself, instead of about me or someone else? Of course, the answer is very simple and straight forward: by stopping and by preventing you from laughing about me or about any so-called stand-up comedian. I didn’t come here, to make you laugh about me, as I am not into such rubbish. I’m into laughing about myself. I know, you don’t want that, so I have to persist in my unusual approach of being absolutely not funny and of letting you know,  your previous dull, minimal, short-lived laughter, was always about others and never helped you, to laugh about yourself and have more fun in your life.


Naturally, I or someone else can’t help you, to laugh about yourself and you would be helping yourself enormously, you would do yourself a big favor, if you would laugh about yourself. For God sakes, the damn question: how does one begin to laugh about oneself, is not for me, but for you. I am able to say this, because I already know, how to laugh about myself. Although I can say it and know it, it remains to be seen, if you are going to consider it and do it. I don’t see it happening any time soon, because you keep refusing to say something funny to yourself.


Don’t be pissed with me, for not making you laugh, I’m doing the best I can, to help you overcome your predicament. You still believe, you can’t laugh about yourself, but, of course, you can. Indeed, you would  immediately laugh about yourself, if you would say, allow, hear, experience and admit, how confused, distracted, bizarre, perverted and obsessed you are.


To laugh about yourself, you will have to let yourself know what the hell is going on with you. You are so  good at repeating the same tragic problems, over and over again, so perhaps, you can apply that great skill – to repeat yourself – by repeating, to yourself,  the reason, I just presented, for why you don’t laugh about yourself? There is only one reason – and one reason only – why you would laugh about yourself and that is: your frantic life is a catastrophic mess.


No matter what you do, you always screw up, you fail, give up, feel frustrated and are wasting your time. Laughing by yourself requires, you face the suffering, you couldn’t laugh away by laughing about others. It is not crazy, but healthy, to talk with yourself and to laugh loudly – alone – as you know and have always known, your own damn truth.


You didn’t know, that dealing with your own shit would be and could be this funny. When people say: the truth will set you free, they make an incomplete statement, as the full statement ought to be: the truth will set you free, because you laugh about yourself. If you can’t laugh, it isn’t true. However, you will start to laugh, by admitting, how often and how long, you have pretended, that something was supposedly true, while it wasn’t, as you have never laughed about that. Only when you realize and say to yourself in what a bunch of utter garbage you have believed, will you laugh about your own truth.


Usually, we laugh about stuff, which we are not supposed to or allowed to say or do, but when you laugh about yourself, you laugh, because you say or do things, which you are allowed to do, which you want to continue to do. Stated differently, laughing about yourself is the gift that keeps on giving. You don’t need anyone, as you find your own humor to be qualitatively better than anyone you have ever heard, as nobody is into laughing about themselves.


Laughing about yourself is infectious, as others feel the difference and are encouraged, by you, not to be so apprehensive and reserved, about their own dramas, traumas and tragedies, which we actually all have in common with each other. Basically, we all make it seem, as if we can’t laugh about ourselves, because we are too troubled to laugh, but the exact opposite is true: we all can laugh about ourselves, because we are all exasperated, stressed out, lost, conflicted, distracted and ashamed. Each of us has plenty of material, we just need to verbally get to it, by speaking with and listening to ourselves. I have fun every day, as I laugh all my troubles away. You would have fun with me, if you do the same as I do. Then, we would laugh with, not about each other.           


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