Tuesday, May 9, 2023




Actually, I have nothing to say. Of course, I could always come up with something, but there is, at this moment, nothing I urgently wish to express. I have already done that. I have spoken with great passion,  great tension, great determination, great ambition, great despair, but also with great success. However, I am happy to realize, I’m not doing that anymore.


I don’t even like being the center of attention of an audience, because, generally speaking, people are  insensitive and disrespectful to me and incapable of knowing who I am. It is a fact of my life, I’ve come to terms with. People aren’t interested, in what I can  verbalize about my Embodied Language (EL). I have lost any hope, that this will ever change. It gives me peace, not to want to have EL with others anymore.


Don’t get me wrong, I would love to have EL with you, but I don’t want to put any effort in anyone anymore. Yes, I can say this, because I have been there and done that and now, I’m done with that. I am so glad, all my involvement with others is behind me, as it never did me any good. It makes me happy, to be in charge of my own language, to create my own reality and to be satisfied, to live my life as I do.


Each day, each moment, my life is getting better and better, as words matter less and less to me. I like my re-wording of what I previously called Disembodied Language (DL), with NoWord and EL, with NeWord. I also want to re-word this fuddy-duddy old word Language Enlightenment (LE). From now on, I will call LE, WisWord, because our NeWord allows us to speak our own words of wisdom. Isn’t it interesting, that except for some very honest, open, courageous and humoristic people, nobody who wants to have anything to do with someone like me, whose NeWord unrepentantly celebrates his WisWord? 


It is absurd, hilarious and egregious, that everyone, is, obviously, unconscious about what is right and good and, therefore, insisting on NoWord. Surely, we keep saying nothing, while pretending to be saying something. Only someone like me, can put his finger on the dreadful, unresolved, ancient Babylonian speech confusion, which is likely to bring on another nuclear war. I have no happy tidings for  stupid, fanatic, arrogant NoWord-believers. They are doomed and there can be no salvation for them, other than remorseless conversion into NeWord.


The beauty about what we commonly describe as our real selves, our true nature or what I now call, our WisWord, is that the dreadful burden of our history of conditioning will melt like snow in the sun. Yes, our NeWord flows like a clear mountain stream and its freshness is invigorating. Indeed, our WisWords are always spoken and written with majestic greatness, loving truthfulness and natural splendor.


As a kid, I used to love flying kites. We would spend hours, making and flying our kites. Mine was always blue, as the sky.  Also, I loved these little wooden model airplanes, which are thrown up in the air and glide down so gracefully. Today, I was reminded of this, as I saw three eagles circling in the clouded sky. I was such a marvelous sight. It’s such a joy, to see them fly so effortlessly. I was once again watching my old kites and planes, but without all the hassle. Tragedy happened. My line broke or got knotted up. My kite landed in a tree or on a house and my plane flew behind a high barbed wire fence or it broke apart.


My NeWord honors these awesome eagles and my WisWord shares with them the open space, which is our reality. NeWord is not some poetic, idealistic, spiritual pipe-dream, but something, which can only be appreciated, by being true to ourselves and by acknowledging, our WisWords have always been waiting for us, to be spoken, to be written, to be heard and to be read. If you read these words out loud, you will know, you speak and hear NeWord and be aware, you can write your WisWords too. This is not like writing in a journal, because all your attention is going to your language, rather than to your dreadful experiences, which distract you from your language, into inevitable NoWord victim-hood. 


With NoWord you, mechanically, verbally, go one and on, about everything, but you never embody your own language. The only way for you to do that, would be, paradoxically, to be as angry, as confused, as frustrated, as lost, as depressed, as sick, as stuck, as violent, as vulgar, as unnatural as you really are. It is painful, your NoWord leaves you no other option, than to suffer and create more suffering, until you literally say and finally can hear: enough is enough. Unless you hear yourself say it, your NoWord does not stop. Such is the inescapable reality of how your language determines everything else in your life. I didn’t make this up, yet, I started out by saying, that I had nothing to say and then I said all of this, as my NeWord always reveal my WisWord. 

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