Monday, May 8, 2023




Everyone, who reads my blog, should understand, there is no need at all to respond to my writing. From the looks of it, most people get it. If you get what I’m talking about, you’ll be exploring your own Embodied Language (EL) and when you would be doing that, you might as well talk with me and get a sense of how truly delightful and fascinating it is, to engage in ongoing EL with someone, who is capable.


As you give yourself the opportunity, to express and  to respond to your own EL, you’ll be amazed by the irrefutable, astonishing fact, that nobody is having it, therefore, you will be one of the pioneers, in this new phase of human interaction. EL has been a long time coming. Our Disembodied Language (DL) has no future and the sooner we realize this, the better.


Surely, we are talking here about deconditioning and reconditioning, where deconditioning equals becoming aware about the difference between DL and EL, which sets the stage for the reversal of our previous conditioned behavior (DL) and where reconditioning means, to restore back to a good condition, where our language becomes once again grounded in positive rather than negative emotions.


When the switch from DL to EL happens, you know it happens. If you don’t, it didn’t happen. Moreover,  in EL everything (deconditioning and reconditioning) happens at once, you’ll be surprised. The moment  DL has stopped, EL begins and there is no doubt about how good this feels, because your EL is the expression of your Language Enlightenment (LE).


I discovered my EL and LE many years ago, after I found a gong in a box. I struck it with a small stick with a ball on it and when I heard that resonant sound, I said softly to myself: that sounds good. This was the first time, I accidentally, was listening to myself, while I was speaking. I suddenly heard my voice sounding like that gong and felt, I had always wanted to speak with that sound. So I did and have been doing, ever since my early twenties. My life radically changed, as I began to withdraw from DL.  


At this point in my life, I only want to speak with those, who immediately can have EL with me, as I have no interest anymore in teaching anyone about it. I have tried to teach it to others for many years, but realized, it prevented me from attending to my own EL and LE. I’m certain anyone can engage in EL immediately, even though everyone, unknowingly, believes it is impossible. My words are neither to convince nor to make anyone doubt, as I like to express to myself in writing what I have come know.  


Anyone, who sincerely verbalizes, in their own way, what they know – and what they don’t know – will find, EL is possible. If you can speak and if you have ears, which aren’t defective, you can hear yourself, even if you read this text out loud. There is no time to lose with DL. As you identify your EL, you can’t help, but wonder: why is everyone wasting so much time and energy on DL? I’m not putting any words in your mouth, but predict what will happen when you engage in EL. Although I don’t know if you consider yourself to be ready, I consider you to be ready.


Recently, I began to describe DL as NoWord, as there are really no words spoken or written with our DL, which keep us focused on our language. To the contrary, everything distracts us from how we actually use our language. This writing is unique, in that it is the first writing, which is based on ongoing EL. All other writing is based on DL and nobody even realizes this, as we are all still completely ignorant about the great difference between DL and EL.


Ever since they became verbal, human beings, have been arguing and fighting and, consequently, using their language ineffectively. Of course, we already possess the words, to describe our EL, but we need to talk in a different way, with a different sound, to be able to embody our voice. I recently also have reworded EL to NeWord, to express that words are new, if spoken with an embodied sound. This is not some psychological, philosophical, spiritual or scientific issue, although we are inclined to interpret it that way and be distracted again from what it really is. If anything, I would suggest, we view it as a biological issue, since our EL can only happen in the absence of aversive stimuli. Stated differently, we can only come to our senses, when our body feels safe and when we perceive and hear no threat. We all, unconsciously, perceive DL as a threat and, constantly, autonomically experience involuntary mobilization or immobilization, that is, we either fight and flee or we freeze. Our body just does what it does and, consequently, we react by arguing, manipulating, distracting, avoiding, escaping and dissociating. Only when these innate survival mechanisms aren’t triggered, can we have EL.


We are all born with the ability to learn how to walk, but, initially, we can’t walk. Likewise, we have the ability to become verbal and acquire language, but we were born without language. Our history of conditioning is such, that we get lost in language, we get carried away by words and, thus, words lose their meaning, as we don’t embody what we say. We all hear and agree on the difference between NoWord and NeWord. We say what is true for us with NeWord, but with NoWord, we seem to be incapable of being benefitted from our language.


With NoWord, our language works against us, but once we hear this, it stops and we begin to speak and write about our NeWord. Of course, there is neither any reason to respond to my writing nor is anyone expected to call or talk with me. With our NeWord, we are on our own and we want to remain on our own with our own EL – as in DL everyone is disturbing and interfering with everyone else – as that signifies, what we have always described as our freedom or enlightenment. Since having EL involves the expression of our LE, if you would feel inclined to explore your NeWord in a conversation together with me, it is going to be a communion between two enlightened or conscious human beings.


NoWord is merely the assumption or pretention of interaction, as only a few speakers are always – yes always – trying to dominate the listener. In DL, we only act as if we speak or listen. If you believe you still want that, you don’t know what you’re talking about, as you are using your language according to your conditioning, but not according to how you would like to use it. As long as you didn’t listen to yourself while you speak, you have remained unconscious about your language. If you have understood this text, you must be experiencing many positive feelings, because your future with NeWord is ahead of you and your miserable history with NoWord has come to an abrupt end.     

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