Tuesday, November 7, 2023




Now that I am almost sixty-five, I have come of age. It is a comfortable sense, which has nothing to do with feeling old, but with having fun, with being mature and being wise. I know what I am talking about and this writing, is to let you know, we live in the age of Language Enlightenment (LE). Although nobody seems to realize this, our Disembodied Language (DL) – which, until now, has been the dominant way in which we have been using our language – is giving us so much trouble and has been causing us so many problems, that it is almost impossible to continue with it. Only at great peril and increasingly higher cost, can we continue with our unaddressed conditioning history, which has been proven to be utterly disastrous. The chaos and decline are audible and visible everywhere and our only option is, to stop our own DL, so that we can have Embodied Language (EL), which reveals our LE.


Gurus and philosophers have talked about the need to become conscious, but none of them have ever mentioned, the importance of being busy with our own language. Yes, you have your own language. Your natural, original way – your LE – makes you  use your language in such a manner, that it always benefits you. This writing is how I enjoy using my language. At this day and age, you are either finally going to discover your LE with your EL or you will end up being destroyed, by the quagmire of DL. It is already happening. If you are honest with yourself, you know, that your language isn’t working for you.


Whether you believe me or not, accept me or not, or take me serious or not, in today’s reality we are experiencing the final stages of escalation of our DL. Everything is coming to a crescendo, but I keep my eye on the ball, which is my own EL. To me, your language, which DL, is unimportant. I have already made the switch to EL and that is why I can write or speak like this. My words herald a future, different from what you have ever imagined. However, it is up to you, to create that future, as I or someone else is incapable of doing it for you. You either take your life into your own hands, by radically stopping your own dumb DL or you will never be able to master your language and to enjoy your LE with EL.


I can be this emphatic, because I am absolutely sure about what I am talking about. The age of prophets is over, for good. Nobody told me, what I have come to know about myself, by talking with myself and by listening to myself. What I know, can be known by everyone, if they, like me, talk with themselves and listen to the sound of their own voice, while they speak. I believe, my discovery will be known and celebrated, as long as human beings remain alive, on this beautiful earth. I insist, you were not born in that age, in which we didn’t have the right words for the fantastic change, that is now necessary and possible. This isn’t any longer the age of some guy named Moses or Muhammad, as this is the age of talking as a nobody, that is, of your LE and your EL.


What is the point of living to a ripe old age, if you can’t enjoy yourself? When you discover your EL, you will know and you will fully admit, that you have never enjoyed your language. There will be great sadness about the loss of time and opportunity, but soon this sadness will subside and make room for lightheartedness. In EL, you no longer say what someone else has told you to say – speak as you are supposed to speak, listen as you are expected to listen, read to only understand, what others have forced you to understand – as you will remain true to your own way, to your own rhythm, to your own wellbeing. Your sound is felt like energy, which brings a smile to your face. Your EL is always about your own blissful understanding. Even if you are already old, age doesn’t prevent you from acquiring your EL and reaping the fruits of your own language.


In our modern age, everything is about language, but your common DL isn’t cutting it. Unconsciously, we endlessly try to dominate each other with our DL, but, obviously, this isn’t – this cannot be – the future of mankind. Thus, EL is our conscious use of language, which sets the stage conscious behavior. Right now, your DL creates and maintains more and more unconscious behavior, which results in conflict and confusion. Positive change can happen rapidly due to EL. Actually, the results of EL are immediate and predictive of more positive results in the future.


The Golden Age comes from Greek mythology and denotes a period of primordial peace, harmony, stability and prosperity. Although I work every day, I don’t feel it as work, as it is something I like to do and feel good about. Due to ongoing EL everything just happens by itself and anything I used to worry or stress about with DL has somehow left me. I still occasionally am reminded of my old conditioning, but there is no involvement in it anymore and DL never really catches a hold of me.


People with DL believe to be troubled by their mind or by what they believe to be their thoughts, but to me, there is no mind and there are no thoughts, as I deal with my language effectively. I have everything I want. I don’t desire anything I can’t have. At this day and age, I can live in the moment and I feel very grateful each day with my happy lifestyle. Yes, I have come out of the dark ages of my own DL and I know very well how much you are suffering, because I used to suffer too, while I was having DL. If you talk with me or listen to my You Tube videos and songs, you will hopefully feel inspired, to try out what I say. Have you had enough of your own and everyone’s  DL and have you reached that age, that you simply no longer want to put up with that noisy, superficial, meaningless, miserable, neurotic, self-defeating, unnatural, disgusting, unintelligent, boring crap?                             

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