Wednesday, November 15, 2023




The truth is out there, somewhere. If you happen to read this, you know, somewhere is here. You have found your way to this blog, on which I write about Embodied Language (EL). If you really consider what I am writing about, you begin to listen to yourself, while you speak with yourself. EL isn’t for those, who don’t want to participate, who, unknowingly, continue with their Disembodied Language (DL).


You may have heard the famous song, somewhere over the rainbow, way up high, there is a land that I heard of, once in a lullaby? EL has nothing to do with fantasy. That lovely song merely distracts us from our ugly DL. What I sing, speak and write about, is creating my own reality with my EL. If you would do that, you would realize your Language Enlightenment (LE). You can attain your LE with EL, anywhere, any time. You may not know this, but, I know, you came here, to do so. Your LE is going to happen, somewhere.


Somewhere isn’t anywhere, because somewhere nearby, is closer than you expected it to be. Your language, is never inside your body, but, after you breathe in some air, then you breathe out, over your vocal cords, your voice is heard. This is simply how you produce your language, which is said and heard. The language which is written or read, depends on visible movements of your hands, with a pen or on a key-board. You can also record your speaking voice with some voice-dictation device. In other words, your language is never hidden, as it can be heard or it can be seen by you, wherever you are. Language always happens somewhere, where you are.


Somewhere is always a location, where a certain language occurs and matters. In France, speaking and understanding French, is of importance, but in China, to make yourself understood, you must, at least, know some Cantonese or Mandarin. The old saying, when in Rome, do as the Romans do, means,  DL and EL are universal. There is great difference, however, between being conscious about DL and EL or not. In the former, EL can flow effortlessly, but in the latter, we get stuck in DL, without knowing it. DL takes us nowhere. Its meaninglessness discourages us from even paying attention to our own language.


The often referred to here-and-now is somewhere, but also, anywhere, yet to acknowledge that, with our language, requires EL, instead of DL. This is not some esoteric game of words, the here-and-now is wherever you are and whatever you experience. It is a gigantic problem, your harsh, insensitive, coercive DL never matches with that. Basically, you can never really be where you are, due to your DL. With your EL, you find out, how you ended up, where you are and you certainly will leave, to go somewhere else.


Your EL brings you, guides you and instructs you, to go to and to stay somewhere, where it’s safe, where you can finally get your feet on the ground, where you can truly get your act together, where you can recover from the abuse, you have endured in places where there was only DL. You need this safe place, which is created by you and which is very different from the safe-space that is demanded from others.


I really don’t care that, somewhere or other, you go on with your ignorant, tragic DL, as I will continue with my delightful EL, regardless of what you do. I am not where you are and I will remain in my place. I can truly say, I know my place. With DL, however, you cannot find your place, as you are all over the map. You have never given any proper attention to the crucial notion, that your language holds the key, to who you really are. In the name of your so-called meditation, consciousness, equity or justice, you have abandoned your own language, without ever  listening, to what you can actually say to yourself. 


The unavoidable question, I raise, with my ongoing happy, fulfilling, intelligent EL, to everyone with miserable, frustrated, angry, stressful, confused DL, is this: are we getting somewhere, with our usual way of talking? What is the result of how we talk? I know the answer to this question. I am not waiting for your answer. I am absolutely sure, you are lost and the reason for this is your DL. You may pretend all you want, it isn’t going to do you any good. The only thing which matters now, is you admit you’ve failed. Your failure is so visible and audible and, yet, you don’t have the EL, to admit and acknowledge it.


When your so-called mind is beginning to function somewhere near normal, you produce something, which approximates EL. Sadly, you may get close, but not close enough, because you either engage in EL or in DL. The two are mutually exclusive and, yes, they are absolutes. Your denial of reality resembles the entire history of mankind. It is nothing personal, that I address the obvious: somewhere, somehow, you already know, your DL is a lost cause, as there is such a thing, as real interaction and it isn’t your DL.


The assumption, that your nasty, deceptive DL is going somewhere, keeps it going. Your DL always promises a beautiful future, which never comes. I don’t promise any positive future. To the contrary, I insist, we are heading for total disaster with our DL. We’ve lost our power somewhere. The only way to get it back, is to say to ourselves, we’ve lost it, here, and, as I have said, here isn’t anywhere, it is where you are. You can only get to your EL, where you are.  


Ultimately, it is about whether you trust me, to take you, to where I can be, where you can go as well. I take you to somewhere awkward, uncomfortable and unknown, as that is needed, to get to where we want to be. Recognizing your horrible, disgusting DL isn’t something fun, but it definitely pays off, as it makes your EL possible. Are you up to it? Can you accept that you were wrong? Can you admit, that you are somewhere, where you shouldn’t be? Yes, you have been here before and you are here again, as you have never even left, being where you are…


You don’t have anywhere else to be or to go, then where you are. You are here and, surely, you read these words. There is no better, somewhere, than here and only here are we going to find out about what is really going on. With EL, we are not going to leave things unaddressed. It is always going to show up somewhere. If we don’t want that or avoid that, it comes back to haunt us, because we have denied our reality. With EL, we accept our reality, we feel so grateful, we can admit it is true, our DL didn’t get us anywhere. We are finally going somewhere with EL.               

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