Sunday, November 5, 2023



Embodied Language (EL) is logical and coherent. Of course, logic also means soundness, sensibleness or lucidity, but those words seem to have lost all their meaning, since we prefer to talk about judgement, thinking or rationality. If you do this, then you get that. In other words, there is such a thing, as cause and effect. Also the term coherence, can be said or understood as sound, articulate and consistent, but it is mostly referred to as systematic, methodical or unified. Certainly, there are always multiple causal factors setting the stage for any particular behavior, but there are definitely certain factors, which weigh more than others and, therefore, only if these factors change, then our behavior changes. EL shows us, the logic, that one behavior – language – is more important than any other behavior, because it determines and regulates all our other behaviors.


Obviously, our behavior can change for the worse or for the better. However, what is considered to be  desirable or undesirable behavior, is determined by others and not by us, ourselves, since we, almost permanently, tragically and unconsciously, engage in Disembodied Language (DL). To be able to change our own behavior, in terms of what we, individually, experience and perceive, as better or more effective behavior, we have to stop acting according to how others expect us to behave and listen to ourselves.


It is of utmost importance, that we, finally, become aware about those factors, which for us, personally, mean behavioral improvement. However, logic isn’t, as we perceive it to be, because of our involvement in DL, a balancing act between what we think and feel, as that is how we have remained unreasonable and inarticulate. With DL, we have never instructed ourselves, verbally, to do what we need to do and to not do, what we shouldn’t be doing, to stay true to our own sense about what is right or wrong. Simply stated, our lives lack any logic, because we adhere to a way of dealing with language, which prevents us from being and staying in touch with ourselves.


Regardless of who we are or where we are, we must  survive, to be able to have any behavior at all. Our survival behavior should always have priority over any other behavior, but if we stop being reasonable and applying our own logic, about why we do what we do – and why we must do, what we must do – to survive, other behavior than our survival behavior will take priority, and, consequently, there will be a break-down of the institutions, we have supported in the past, which created a somewhat orderly, civil, safe and stable society. Indeed, the very essence of a government should be about protecting its people from those, who want to wipe them out. This goes for any population, regardless of whether they are democratic or totalitarian. We all know, that those who govern, generally, are more invested in being and staying in power, than in securing a decent way of life, for the people they, supposedly, represent.


Due to DL, our common way of talking is in denial of logic. Democracy – considered to be the safest form of government – is falling apart as we speak and all Western civilizations are on a path of rapid decline. Although Democratic governments have sought to secure the rights of the individual, they have never addressed, let alone, established EL, that is, the language of individuality. Instead, what we have heard and seen, are more versions of outdated DL, which, in one way or another, always emphasizes group-behavior over individual behavior. Stated differently, genetically and historically, we have survived, due to our allegiance to the groups we belonged to, but if this doesn’t involve any longer a shared understanding, appreciation and preference of our individual freedom – as is documented in the Constitution of the United States – we will lose the rights, so many people have fought and died for.


We have never had any clarity or logic about the great difference between DL and EL, which would, naturally and effortlessly, bring about a preference for EL, as only EL is the language of our individual freedom. In absence of any reasonable, skillful and knowledgeable adherence to EL, we have endlessly pretended to have EL, while we have continued with our DL. This has gone on, around the world, in the name of politics, religion, entertainment, culture and commerce. If you turn on the TV, you see and hear disgusting, appalling and annoying commercials, because they will attract your attention. Likewise, in politics, division and frustration motivates people to vote.


Although we still mainly engage in DL, in Western societies nobody wants to go the Christian churches anymore, because the old-fashioned belief in God or some sort of higher power, goes against any logic. Christianity used to preach against the evils of the devil and make people feel guilty, but the very few people, who still go to the church, for the most part, no longer tolerate a religion, which is overtly in denial of their individual freedom. Although anyone, with any religion, inadvertently, unconsciously, acts holier-than anyone, who doesn’t have that religion, it is no longer in vogue in modern-woke Christianity, to preach that Christians are better than others, that they are the only chosen ones, who, therefore, may convert, dominate and exploit, those who don’t believe, who are doomed and who may even be killed, if they are in the way of their sacred mission.   


People in Western cultures have massively left the churches, but it was Christianity, which gave birth to their individual freedom. Generally speaking, people who are used to enjoying their individual freedoms, are impervious to fear-mongering or demagoguery, yet, there is no awareness, anywhere, whatsoever, that DL, masquerading as EL, takes away freedom. Western cultures will no longer exist, if the gigantic difference between DL and EL is not acknowledged. 


Anyone with EL knows, if someone is looking at or listening to TV, a phone or a computer, they are not involved in their own language. Technology only  enhances DL, which is based on the fact, that we remain busy with the language of others, who put out this language, at the expense of those, who, presumably, consume it or live in the illusion, they possess it. Those who dominate others, with their language, as well as those are dominated by the language of others, are both busy with others and not with themselves, as DL doesn’t allow it. Only if our DL is stopped by us, can we have our individual language, our EL. We need EL, to be able to reason about what behavior fits with us and what behavior undermines us. Once our behavioral repertoire is fully supportive of us, as individuals, we will realize our Language Enlightenment (LE) with our EL.        

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