Saturday, November 11, 2023




There is an enormous difference between Embodied Language (EL) and our common, unconscious use of language, which I call Disembodied Language (DL). A lot of problems could be prevented, if people would listen to me, rather than to attention-demanding idiots, who perpetuate DL. I provide the necessary experience, to differentiate between DL and EL.


We have said so ourselves and have heard others say stupid nonsense like this a million times: despite our differences, I have enormous respect for her or for him. Supposedly, we are not bothered by these petty differences and, we don’t even need to talk about them, because, presumably, we get along just fine, as long as we don’t talk about politics or religion.


You also repeatedly, mechanically, manipulatively, deceptively say: it doesn’t make any difference to me, while, in fact, everyone knows, it makes a big fucking difference, but, again, we pretend it is true, because by saying, it doesn’t make any difference to me, we are basically told not to talk about it. Surely, we don’t want to talk about our supposedly private feelings, as we get immediately angry, frustrated, impatient and upset.


Certainly, it would make a gigantic difference, if we would engage in a way of talking, in which we could enjoy, express and continue our positive emotions. When we stop our DL and have some EL, we know that a huge difference has occurred, because we are no longer the same person. In other words, we have changed, we are new and the difference between what was and what is, is of great significance.


When you read these words, you may wonder: what is the difference? The difference is, that these words derive from my ongoing EL, which is the expression of my Language Enlightenment (LE). You are used to and are expecting spoken or written words, which derive from DL. In other words, these words don’t fulfill your expectation and they confront you with your DL, which determines, that your life is full of chaos and conflict. I am not responsible, you are.


The difference between DL and EL, is that in EL, you finally take responsibility for how you use language. If you listen to yourself while you speak, you would hear the difference in the sound of your own voice, because you weren’t listening to yourself while you engaged in DL. Funny how, in DL, you don’t realize, that you absolutely don’t want to listen to yourself while you speak and, that is why you don’t do it, but in EL, you want to do it and that is why you do it.


In DL, you have said or heard others say: why even see him or her, why should I talk with him or her, it makes no difference. Actually, you are right, in DL, we are always repeating the same. Nobody wants to talk about this, but all our problems – including our so-called mental health problems – are problems of repetition. We only stop repeating, once we have EL instead of DL and solve our problems. You talk a lot of empty words about making a real difference, but you never managed, to change your own DL in EL.


Imagine the difference, if we had ten billion healthy, well-educated, happy, capable people, who would engage in EL and share their LE, instead of DL! We would organize our societies very differently, because we live in them. The increasing homeless population holds up a mirror, in which the not homeless people see themselves reflected. You may not be homeless, but you too, are living in your own filth and trash. All DL is verbal garbage, linguistic rubbish, oral diarrhea, written hogwash, double-talk and senseless drivel.  


You don’t like to admit this, but your usual way of talking is DL and prevents you from noticing the difference between what is beneficial for you and what undermines you. Without EL, your perception of yourself is flat-out delusional, as you believe yourself to be what you are not. When you see someone pushing a shopping cart full of junk, it is you, who is pushing ideas and concepts on yourself and on others, which have no relationship to reality.


Our so-called difference of opinion always sets us apart and makes relationship impossible. Actually, any belief separates us from ourselves. Due to our DL, we never get to see this clearly. Surely, we live in falsehoods, due to how we are conditioned. We are obsessed with what we say, we think, but we never take ownership of our language, by saying out loud to ourselves and realizing, our so-called mind, is nothing, but involuntary language, running amok.


A lot has been said and written about the so-called difference between thinking and feeling, but once we engage in EL, we realize this difference doesn’t even exist, as it is the inevitable waste-product of our coerced DL, in which we can’t talk about our own experiences. Presumably, to be objective, we must suppress our subjectivity, but this ridiculous ideal of being, supposedly, non-biased, goes hand in hand with the hair-splitting rigidity of our language.  

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