Thursday, November 16, 2023




As anyone can see, it is very quiet on my blog and no one has the urge to respond. Also, my songs and my talking with myself, on You Tube – although they are listened to by more people, than those, who are willing to read my blog – don’t inspire anyone to get in touch with me or at least let me know, that they appreciate what I do. Nevertheless, I am where you are and if you ever get to be yourself with Embodied Language (EL), you realize, I was talking and singing about that, all along. I am happy to be myself and to stay with myself. You could only be happy with me, if you would acquire the language, to do what I do.


In this writing, I am recording my language. This isn’t your language, it is mine and mine alone. You would have your own language too, if you stopped your Disembodied Language (DL), which isn’t yours. Your DL was taught to you by the people you grew up with and they got it from those who conditioned them. Our DL has always made us more concerned about others than about ourselves. Obviously, this is causing enormous problems for us, which cannot be solved, unless we somehow manage to stop our DL.


I am happy to say, that I got to where I am today, because I have left my own DL, as well as the DL of others, as this was needed, to be able to continue with my EL. When we truly begin to consider how we have used our language, we can’t escape the realization, that the other, is always a member of a group, who tells us how to behave. Only when we talk with ourselves and listen to ourselves, do we begin to tell ourselves, how we want to behave.


My happiness or my Language Enlightenment (LE), can only be expressed by my EL. I couldn’t be happy, as long as my own DL was stopping me from having EL. I am now in charge of my own language, which means, I reject my own, but also your conditioning history with DL. I am the master of my own destiny, because I have gloriously succeeded in doing what I write, speak and sing about; my LE is my ongoing EL.


I am feeling very grateful to everyone, who has had EL with me, even though they didn’t continue with it. Except for two people, nobody has ever come to me and said: hey Maximus, let’s have EL. The reason this isn’t happening, isn’t because I have failed, but because I have succeeded, whereas everyone, who has DL, has failed to prolong their EL. Basically, they were never conscious about their own EL. Quite to the contrary, they remained preoccupied with DL.


I am totally at ease, because I can have ongoing EL, but people, who don’t know the difference between DL and EL, are, unknowingly, obsessed with the DL of others and the DL of themselves. I am absolutely needed by anyone, who wants to have ongoing EL, because nobody with DL can support anyone with EL. The fact, that I have been able to continue with my EL, is partially a matter of great luck, as well as perseverance. Things could have ended very badly for me, but, most likely, due to my traumatic history, I was always able to escape from imminent danger.


I am so fortunate, that from a young age, I figured out, that what other people feel comfortable about, I always felt threatened and disturbed by. It is only now, I can fully realize the horrible fact, that DL, our usual way of dealing with language, makes people perceive unsafe situations, as safe. They are so used to DL, they dissociate from it and, of course, they do so to survive, socially, psychologically and physically.


I am on your side, because I have EL, but you aren’t on my side, because you have DL, which means, you are against yourself. I am not saying, I can stop your DL, but you can certainly stop your own DL, if you would talk with me. Once you experience your own EL, I am sure, you want to continue with it, as it will liberate you from all your problems and conflicts. It will be up to you, to say to yourself, I am not okay with my DL. I never even knew, I was having DL all the time and unconsciously causing and maintaining my troubling life-style with my own language. I am used to suffering, but I am unhappy and dissatisfied, but with my EL, I realize, I am already enlightened.   


The language of the individual (EL), is the language of the future of mankind. Regardless of what group we are talking about, the language of the group (DL) is outdated, as it has always prevented the language of real freedom. I am perfectly sure, our DL is on its way out. It may not be clear to you, but it is clear to me, we are living in the final days of DL. No matter, how deceitful, brutal and overwhelming our DL may be, it is bound to be recognized for all the tragedies it has created. I am not vitally concerned about DL, as the damage has already been done and its odious results are audible and visible everywhere. For me, it is morning and I am awake. However, my dawn is not merely an awakening from sleep, as it pertains to my conscious endeavor of how I deal with my own language. My LE is always revealed by my EL.


I am telling you, my dear reader, that neither my EL nor my LE, has anything to do with your so-called spirituality. The often denoted need to wake up spiritually, refers to the necessity to stop our own DL, before we can have ongoing EL and realize our LE. In other words, religion has taken the place of the importance of paying attention to how we deal with our language. We literally are spoon-fed what we should say and how we should talk, but never considered for ourselves, how we want to speak.


I am listening to myself and this is why, I can act on what I tell myself. I always follow through on what I say. I do as I say, because to me, saying is doing. It is only due to our DL, we make this weird difference, between what we say and what we do. If we don’t do what we say, then what we say is meaningless. It is quite a hard thing to accept, but most of what we say is total bullshit. It is DL, business as usual. If you discover your own EL, you know that you cannot do anything other than what you say. What you say to yourself sets the stage for all your other behavior.


Similarly to religion, the entire field of philosophy is, of course, based on our unconscious participation in DL and our inability to have ongoing EL. The eternal question: who am I? is equally irrelevant, as the often-repeated phrase: I-think-therefore-I-am, since both of these conundrums derive from our DL. It is only in DL, we fantasize about who we are, because we cannot be ourselves. The second phrase is based on our belief in thought, a delusion, which is caused by a faulty way of dealing with language, in which we can never express our own experience correctly.   

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