Tuesday, January 10, 2023




What do I think about the situation? I don’t think anything. Anyone who can have ongoing Embodied Language (EL), is no longer stuck on the pervasive illusion, that he or she is thinking something, as he or she is verbalizing everything he or she has words for. This foolish notion, that we think, signifies that, presumably, we can’t talk and say what we want to say, but, we can always talk alone with ourselves.


We don’t want to talk out loud with ourselves, as we consider it a failure, others don’t want to hear what we want to say. Our usual way of talking is a battle for the attention, because we all want others to listen to us, but nobody is listening to him or herself. We imagine, we are imprisoned by our so-called mind, but when we talk out loud with ourselves, just for a minute or two, we will find, there is no mind, there is only what we wanted to say, but couldn’t say, when we were with others.


When we are alone with our language and say what we want to say – to ourselves – we will inevitably and effortlessly engage in EL, as we instantly snap out of our self-imposed illusions. Changing the minds and hearts of people is pure nonsense. I don’t claim to change your mind, but if you do what I do, if you attentively listen to yourself while you speak, your overrated, fabricated mind turns out to be a scam.    


All books, which have been written, supposedly, because people want their thoughts to matter, promote the deception, which you call your mind. Although Disembodied Language (DL) goes on everywhere, twenty-four-seven, what people say in DL doesn’t really matter, that is why we pretend, as if the written word is more important than the spoken word. We may talk until we are blue, but due to our never properly addressed inability to say what we want to say in DL, we invent – among many other lies – a mind, which, presumably, is what we say to ourselves, internally and silently.


Let me be very clear here: there is no such thing as private speech or covert self-talk. Again, this is the almost inevitable result of our stupid way of talking, DL, which we have accepted as normal, in which we, as speakers, struggle to get the attention from the listener. No matter how much we can cover up this catastrophic fact, in DL, which is our common way of talking, speakers always dominate the listener. Obviously, listeners allow this, as they were conditioned to do this and know their place in the social hierarchy.  


DL has always ruled, everywhere, but, whether we know it or not, DL is on its way out. It can no longer be denied what is really happening. We have been endlessly distracted from the fact, that we either dominate each other or we are dominated by each other in our usual way of talking. Besides the moral implications, DL is, of course, hopelessly ineffective, in that, we only pretend to be talking and listening. To have dialogue, speakers should speak in such a manner, that they don’t demand the attention. We can hear this in the sound of our voice. DL sounds different from EL. We can hear we have no mind.      

1 comment:

  1. Yes, AnnaMieke, so fantistic, your precise response. You understand and also express that everyone can and should, of course, understand this and stop this maddening nonsense talk about our so-called mind. You wrote (I translate) "Beautiful this sentence, that we think we think, but in fact can't talk to yourself and therefore not to the other ... wow .." Have a wonderful day.
