Friday, January 27, 2023




Soros cannot buy Embodied Language (EL) and will always have to settle, just like every other idiot, for Disembodied Language (DL). The fact which Soros’s henchmen haven’t checked, is about how we talk. He may have his global network of organizations to discredit anyone, who says something he disagrees with, but he cannot silence my EL, nor does he have a clue about the power of Language Enlightenment (LE). If he reads my blog – which I am sure, at some point he will – he must recognize, only in DL, we try to change the narrative, but in EL, we laugh about such stupid, manipulative, utterly useless activity.


No matter how much money or power he has, even someone like George Soros, only wants to have the attention. This is the modus operandi of DL. It is so tragic, pathetic and humiliating, that, in DL, we only listen to or pay attention to anyone who demands our attention. By the way – this is something poor, old, king George must know by now – he is a mortal like everyone else and the attention he got with his campaigns, was not the attention he wanted. This is why he tenaciously keeps demanding for more, but he should know by now, more isn’t better. In EL, we finally experience the attention for ourselves, which we always wanted to have and we realize, that with our DL, we always unknowingly attracted the wrong kind of attention, which distracted from ourselves.


Like everyone else, Soros knows nothing about EL. He calls on big tech CEOs, to take immediate action regarding voting disinformation and helping prevent the decline of democracy, but he puts all his cards on DL. He could, of course, have used his millions to let people know about LE, but he is too fearful, too shallow and too important. I am reminded, that one day, I met a millionaire. I did some volunteer work at a free health clinic. His wife, who was a nurse there, had told him about me and he invited me for diner at this big house on the lake. He offered to pay for a ghost-writer, so that I could publish a book about EL and LE. He knew someone, who he wanted me to work with. However, the writing-lady didn’t want to have EL with me and neither did he (haha), so I thanked him politely for his great offer and that was the end of the book-deal. EL is not for sale.


Let’s recognize for a moment, that our infatuation with technology takes our attention away from how we talk. It isn’t anything personal, that we all watch screens and basically don’t talk anymore and that our vocal verbal skills have atrophied. It is inevitable that our DL results in insurmountable problems and unless we go back to how we sound while we speak, there is no way for us, to revive what is left of our ability to talk. In the history of mankind, there never was a moment, in which we fully embraced EL, but for me, as an individual, that moment has arrived.  


I use pompous Soros’s DL efforts, to contrast with my elegant, funny and liberated EL. Soros cannot create, as he claims, an open society, because he doesn’t know who he is. If he knew about his LE, he would want, like me, other people to know about it. Moreover, he would totally agree with me, that DL is always about disinformation or misinformation. The difference between these two only matters for hair splitters, who engage mechanically in DL. Make no mistake, those who say they are trying to make the world into a better place, always engage in DL. I laugh at mediocre fools, like George Soros or Bill Gates, who want to change our freedom of speech and I suggest, they put some energy into stopping their own DL, so that they can have some EL and acknowledge, that their DL is really on its way out.                  


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