Sunday, January 8, 2023




Yes, someone who is able to express his Language Enlightenment (LE), with his Embodied Language (EL), would write or say something like this. If you would hear me, say this, your body would change, because of the sound of my voice and you would realize, you are enlightened too. However, you would still have to deal with your own Disembodied Language (DL), which can only be stopped by you. Listening to me, or reading these words, can give you an incentive, to stop your DL and contact me, to have EL with me.  


I love to challenge you in this writing. Why haven’t you contacted me? What is taking you so long? Why are all these other things so much more important? You know as well as I do, you are postponing, you are beating around the bush. You should talk with me and get an experience of EL. I remember, there was once this famous behaviorist, who had read my work and wanted to write and publish a paper with me. We talked with each other three times on skype and it was great. However, when we got into clarifying the outline for a scientific paper, he got impatient and irritated with me, as he was trying to listen to himself, but felt very frustrated, as he had admit, he only heard DL, but no EL. He was angry with me making him feel this way. I refused to take responsibility for how he was feeling. After all, he was just talking with himself and having all these negative experiences. How could I be responsible?


I just got back from a wonderful walk in Upper Bidwell Park. It is so nice, there is so much water in the creek. I felt so happy to see a rock full of ferns. I love to see everything come alive again because of the rain, as we have had such a long drought. The place where I go and swim, in the summer, was now  a roaring creek and the big rocks, which I used to sit on, were submerged in the strong current. I also met some wonderful people, who also appreciate nature and go out there on these muddy tracks for a walk, although the rain may come back anytime.


Nature is always waiting for us, to finally catch up with ourselves. To express our natural way of being, we have to pay attention to how we deal with our language. Do we, as we speak, listen to ourselves? If we do, we engage in EL, but if we don’t, we engage in DL. It is really not a big problem, that we engage in DL, because once we realize that we are doing this, DL changes into EL. The problem is, that we are unaware about the fact, we are engaging in DL all the time and miss out on what life could be like, if we would engage in EL. This awareness immediately effects everything we do and changes how we talk.


The question, how to change DL in EL is irrelevant, as acknowledging that we have DL instead of EL, is the only thing that matters. There is no need to feel guilty about having DL, as this will only prolong our participation in it. Just recognizing it, is sufficient to stop our DL. This rational approach to our DL is very effective, but our emotional reactions prevent us from stopping it. We become capable of stopping our DL, of stepping out of our conditioning history, by being down to earth about it, instead of being endlessly carried away by our emotional turmoil.


Please, read these words out loud, so you can hear your own sound, while you speak and can feel what it is, I am conveying to you with these words. I know you can have EL instead of DL and simply want you to try out what I suggest. Your speaking voice is not what you would like it to be in DL. When you notice that, your voice changes, effortlessly, all by itself, to how you would like to sound. And, once you engage in EL, you know you sound  different than when you engage in DL. Therefore, your ability to distinguish between your DL and EL, is of utmost importance.


I write this to you from my LE and my EL brings this  message to you. Surely, these two ways of dealing with language are real and being involved in one or the other makes a world of difference. During DL, your world appears, as if it is not created by you, but, presumably, by others, but in EL, you create your own world, how you want it to be. Indeed, in EL, you create and live in your own world. Certainly, your own world is totally natural and self-evident.  


Your EL shows, words come by themselves. They simply appear, as you listen to yourself, while you speak. Also, you really feel what you are writing, because you are aware about your language. If one word doesn’t fit, you change it, you adjust it or you change the sound of it. This modification happens by itself. You are not trying to sound friendly, calm or interested, but you sound conscious of what you are saying, as you only say what you want to say.

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