Sunday, January 22, 2023




This is my unvarnished opinion of you. I am talking to you, who constantly engages in Disembodied Language (DL) and doesn’t want to have Embodied Language (EL) with me. I am not going to sugar-coat it. I know, this message, from me to you, is rain on your bombastic, false, insidious, dumb DL-parade. It is a cold shower. I want to and hope to disturb you with these words, which I wrote for me and not for you. If you happen to read them, you should feel fortunate, to receive this verbal shock-treatment and be grateful, I haven’t entirely forsaken you.


With DL, you are, certainly – whether you want to know about it or not, whether you are aware of it or not – totally screwed. You may not realize this, but your life is pretty fucked up, due to your usual way of talking. It isn’t me, who is in trouble, but you are. I am doing fine, because I have ongoing EL. Quite frankly, I enjoy spitting out these words, as I feel disgusted by your lack of sincerity. I don’t accept you, I don’t approve of you and, of course, I don’t love you either. As far as I am concerned, you are a lost cause. For all I care, you can go to hell with your superficial DL. You already live in your private hell, which you have created. I live in a totally different reality than you do, as I reap the benefits of my EL.


I can’t talk with you. I am glad to be able to let you know, that I have stopped trying to talk with you. This wasn’t always the case. For a long time, I was still hoping to reach you and wanting something from you, but finally has changed. Yes, I wanted to have EL with you, but it is clear now, you don’t want that. Don’t pretend you are interested, I know you aren’t. Don’t try to fool me into believing, you have  read my work and want to talk with me about what you have supposedly understood. Even if you read these words, you are not getting it and you never contact me, to explore your EL together with me. Don’t say, it ain’t so, as this is not my first rodeo.


I have been exploring my own EL for the last forty years. Only in recent weeks, I have started to speak about my Language Enlightenment (LE), which is revealed by my EL. I really know what I know, but everyone who, like you, still engages in unintelligent DL, is dishonest for saying, that what I write isn’t important enough to come and speak about it with me. I have always felt your negativity. I have always refused to listen to your lies. I have had to move away from you, so many times, to protect myself and will continue to do this, because it is necessary.


Whenever I recognize you, I hear your voice and feel appalled by your deceitfulness and disrespect. You should still be thankful to me for treating you as well as I do, since others are prone to give you a much harder time. I let you be and don’t bother you, as I simply don’t want to get involved with your way of talking. I have my own preference and you are not it. I have no problem rejecting you and it actually feels really good to be able to do this. I need to do this, so that I can continue with my own EL. And, I am not responsible for the idiotic beliefs, which are created and maintained by your ugly DL. Since it is a waste of my time, I decline to talk about any of your superstitious beliefs. Surely, my EL is not a belief. If you would be able to gather enough courage to explore what it is – which is very unlikely –  you would find, your beliefs not only disappear,  but are proven to be false, by your own ongoing EL.  


I tell you all of this, to bother you with what you are missing. Probably, you will never have the honesty to admit to yourself, that what I am talking about is missing in your life. I have no time to wait for you or  anyone to come around. It isn’t happening anyway. Either you accept me, right away or it is never going to happen. I want you to know, you are not getting anything from me, even though you may be reading these words. I write this, to please myself, not to convince you that I am right, but to proudly state that I am right. I feel so satisfied to do that. You would be feeling that way too, if you could do what I do. It has often been said and written, the truth will set you free, but I’ve got news for you. My truth will not set you free. You don’t have any truth, thus, your notion about your so-called freedom is bogus.


You will never be set free, as long as you refuse to speak the truth – to yourself. You fantasize about it, but truth is not for you, as you have remained a big coward. I don’t care about the truth no more, since I already have it and enjoy it. Your unwillingness to have EL with me isn’t going to change that, as I have already decided to reject you. I never doubt my own decisions. These words make it clear to you, I have already acquired what you will never possess. Your envy makes me happy, as I know for sure, that you would like to have what I have, although you can’t admit it. You will never be able to have EL, because you are undeserving of it. Yes, your DL makes you unworthy. I didn’t do it, but you do this to yourself.                         

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