Sunday, January 15, 2023




Whenever I turn on my TV or radio or look things up on right or left-wing websites, online, I hear and see idiots, who claim to know what is important and tell us what, supposedly, needs to happen. People are listening to attention-demanding fools and look up at their so-called talents, which, summarized, come down to their ability to fake integrity, wisdom and importance. I was often asked: give us an example of someone we know, who according to you has Embodied Language (EL)? I do not know anyone.


Only my dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke and I have EL, but almost no one wants to talk to us. Mostly we talk with ourselves, but every Sunday, we talk with each other, about our journey with EL, which made us discover our Language Enlightenment (LE). We are not famous, as we are simply living our own lives. Are you going to contact her or read her blog, to find out what she is saying about her LE? I hope you do, as that would settle your excuses for why you haven’t contacted me, to have EL with me. Of course, EL is possible for you as well. If you would go on with your EL long enough, you would realize your LE too. AnnaMieke’s words refute intellectual demands, as her EL is very poetic. Who cares about your so-called reasoning anyway? If you would be honest with yourself, you don’t care about it either.


It is still possible for you to acknowledge, you were simply wrong. There is no shame in admitting your mistakes and blunders, but you keep making such a big deal about it, because Disembodied Language (DL) is your usual way of talking. Whatever you have been made to believe with DL simply isn’t true. The  sad reality for everyone with DL is, that they keep believing in bullshit and will only be free of it, once they are able to have ongoing EL. I have discovered this, but I didn’t make it that way, so stop taking my words so goddamn personal. Take them seriously and admit: everyone is in the same sinking DL-boat.


In the tragicomedy of our DL, it is always someone else who is wrong, but never you yourself. Sounds familiar? Your attention goes to people and things, which, according to you, are wrong. One way or another, you are always busy with what is wrong. Surely, your DL doesn’t allow you to pay attention to your LE, which doesn’t need to be achieved, as it is already the case. Our DL is against everything that happens by itself, effortlessly. Our DL makes it seem as if anything that happens naturally is unimportant and unworthy of your attention. Your DL makes you fight, struggle and complain and that is, basically, all you have ever been doing. It isn’t hard to admit the obvious fact of your dreadful, stressful life. Once you say it to yourself, however, it will be a big relief.


Even though you only read this, it isn’t difficult for you to imagine, what it would be like to say this to yourself. Such an expression is transformative, as you can hear that it is true. Due to your DL, your life is messed up and you know it. The only reason you keep pretending everything is okay, is because you keep talking as you do, while in fact you aren’t okay. Let’s get his straight, you have real problems, which you don’t even know how to address, so let’s start there. Your problems, are with others, but not with you. I know you blame yourself, but when it comes to DL, you did not cause that problem. Others have caused your DL. Your problem is, you don’t hear it that way, but once you admit, by speaking out loud with yourself, in EL, that you are without problems and that others have always forced their problems on you, things will be much easier. This is the grand, inevitable, permanent realization for everyone, who explores their own EL: others force their DL on you and you always only wanted to have ongoing EL.


Once you have identified your LE with your EL, you  know and accept that everyone with DL is against you and that is perfectly okay. I want you to cut to the chase. You must keep telling yourself, you have nothing to do with DL, to protect yourself. And, if anyone asks, you truthfully declare, you are not into DL, but only in EL. There is nothing wrong with that. If others inquire about your preference, you can tell them that having EL by yourself, is more important to you, than having DL with them. This difference is such an valuable matter, to be properly expressed.


Once you let others know, you are into EL, but not into their DL, they will leave you alone and that is exactly what you want, as it allows you to have EL on your own. It is okay, nobody wants to have EL with you, as that will make you want to have more EL by yourself. Your inability to have EL with others helps you to take EL with yourself more serious, so that you are able to discover your own LE. Talking about your LE is the only way in which, occasionally,  you will be able to have EL with others. You need to let others know that you know. If you manage to do it successfully, you enlighten others with your EL.                 

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